Thursday, January 31, 2008

tough sledding.

Jan 31th.
" There is nothing worse that aggressive stupity"

Three rounds for time
15-225 lb deadlift.
15-handstand pushups
15- pullups
15- Kettlebell thrusters 40 lbs.
As I looked around the gym I was training in today, I could see that the rubber flooring was ripped up the length of the gym. What some one was doing, was dragging 2-100lb barbell plates that had been crudely attached by a chain which was tearing up the floor, as it was being dragged in a very crude attempt at "strongman" type training. Now I would not discourage this type of training as its what I beleive to be effective, but like most male trainees, they know just enough to be dangerous to themselves and others. USE THE PROPER TOOLS! That's what they make metal drag sleds for and you should do type of training outside anyway.

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