Thursday, January 03, 2008

be seated for your fitness.

Jan 4Th 2008
" If man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it because he hears a different drummer. Let him step into the music he hears, However measured or far away.

David Henry Thoreau

for time: 21,15,9 reps

Deadlift 195#


wall ball 20 lbs

time 8:48

yesterday I was watching a gentleman in the gym sitting down and doing some light lateral raises with dumbbells. This was his first exercise he did; of coarse with no warm up of any kind. I guess walk from his car to the gym was warm up enough for him. He did three sets then proceed to the hammer lateral press machine, once again sitting down in a relax pose. He then when back to the bench to do some seated curls. He enthusiasm at this point was just above sleep.
All this time I completed 8 sets of barbell power cleans and Push presses with kettlebells, all standing on my two feet without any rest except to catch my breath. Unlike my seemly well rested friend working out on his bench, I was sweating and breathing at max heart rate. Unlike my friend sitting down, I was working my legs, core and even my neck as a side benefit of each exercise I did. He kind of gave me that look every so know the kind that says, what the hell are you rushing so much this early in the morning. Maybe I know something he does not know.

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