Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lets get ripped for a change

Jan 15th.

" have no friends not equal to yourself."


WOD "Filthy Fifty" for lack of a better description. for time.

50 Box jumps 18"

50 jumping pullups

50 16kg kettlebell swing.

50 walking lunges

50 KTE

50 push press 45# barbell

50 back extensions

50 wall balls with 20# ball.

50 burpies

50 double unders.

25: 34 min.

Its one of the more difficult routines as it has the dreaded "burpies" but that's just me. Maybe everyone else has an easy time with them. I don't and freely admit it. However I would not have it any other way. However, if you want to be free of body fat, without the drugs, then a "filthy fifty" is just what the doctor ordered.

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