Saturday, August 29, 2009

Aug 29th

Aug 29th.

WO du jour:

warm up with Indian clubs, stretch bands, foam roller, light Kettlebells.
C2 rowing: 10 x 30 sec intervals using the Watts mode. of Pull ups, sit ups, air squats and push ups

60 reps of rack reverse deadlifts 225 lbs in 2 sets reps of the following
barbell power cleans from the floor
ring dips

Power wheel 3 sets

I was reading an article about the concept "toning" as a fitness protocol, by Andre Hefferman, from his blog "Male pattern fitness". The word is really useless in describing any thing when it comes to fitness training. I have a 400 page book on exercise prescriptions I used in school, but there was not one mention of "toning" in the entire book. It just one of the many buzz words the fitness industry uses to peddle nonsense exercise programs.

Fitness double speak:

Toning: means all I want to do in the gym is a pitiful workout, going through the motions in case some one is watching. You also encourage my dumb friends to do the same so they will not look better than me.

Cardio today: that means you will be running on an elliptical or treadmill like some gerbil in a cage, work up some sweat, an think you will strip off fat with another pitiful workout.

In the fat burning range: What did some one put a match to you? you are doing your "cardio" session at a rate that is comfortable enough to fall asleep.

I bulking up: This means's you are eating like a pig to put on fat mass so it looks like you have been training, as long as you wear bulky cloths.

BIs and Tris today: this means you will be doing a lot of upper arm isolation exercise in an effort to build some expose able body part to make everyone think you workout and no one to mess with.

Squats are bad for the knees: No you would rather sit you ass on the leg extension or leg curl machine and develop searing of the knee joint so you can have knee replacement before the age of 40. Besides, squatting with a heavy barbell looks like too much work and all the puking makes me sick to look at.

I use light weights for definition: that means you are to lazy to lift heavy compound exercise weight to get effective interstellar fat loss and develop real muscle.

I use the routines in Muscle and fitness magazine: The material in the various Muscle and fantasy magazines are for selling useless supplement product using a lot of roided out models and routines that look impressive but pro don't use. It cheaper to spend 6 dollars to get your training information then to spend several hundred dollars in trainer or seminar cost by someone who can really help you. But you know best for you and all your friends.

Aug 28 rest day

Aug 28th

The Xvest is easy to wear and does not bounce around.

WO du jour:

5 mile "ruck" with 30 lb Xvest. did a little running but not too much until I get accustomed to the weight. Next week I will add a couple of lbs.

Monday, August 17, 2009

aug 27

Aug 27th

This is a picture of a "wings" lift with kettlebells. Its basically a Iron cross lift but the the weights are landed on the forearm instead of hanging.
WO du jour: warm up with stretch bands and Indian Clubs.

1 to 10 rep kettlebell thruster by taking a breath as the number increases and without dropping the 12 kg kettlebells

Kettlebell snatch 4 min each arm for 15o reps total with 16kg.

rest 10 min.

10 reps per arm and switch for 180 reps

40 reps GHD sit ups and back extensions

This was a very intense workout this morning especially the new Kettlebell thruster with a "breathing squat" exercise technique, which has been used since the early 19th century to induce growth hormone.

Aug. 26

WO du jour:

1 hour "Ruck" with 30lbs xvest.

barbell snatch: sets of 3 reps from 45lbs to 100 lbs.

Dumbell clean: 10 sets of 55 lbs.

Afternoon session:

Indian club and stretch band warm up.Light Kettlebell and "wings" 20lbs.

4 min timed set of 2-16kg Long cycle at 6 reps per min.

10 min rest.

4 min. timed set 2-16kg long cycle at 6 reps per min.

4 min. timed set 2-16kg long cycle 4 reps per min.

Aug 19th.

WO du jour:

warm up with stretch bands, joint mobility and Indian clubs.

4 min sets of 16kg KB long cycle for 5 sets.

Aug 18th.

WO du jour: 20 mile on trail. 62 min. for a uncomfortable ride. Sort of a time trial.

Aug 16th.

WO du jour:

warm up with stretch bands, light Kettlebells and Indian clubs.

"Wings" with 15 and 20lb kettlebell for shoulder rehab. Besides it looks cool.

10o reps of the following

push ups

sit ups

air squats

pull ups

10 sets of 10 125lb SHDL for 5 reps

10 sets of 20 to 24kg kettlebell push press.

Lots of speed on the high pull and 6 reps per min on the push press.

That session for not doing shit over the weekend.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Aug 13th.

Aug 15th. Sat.
Sir you can't use chalk in this gym! "sorry, I did not get that memo"
WO du jour: warmup with indian clubs and stretch band. 10 min on Tai bag.
20 min of long cycle with 1 min cycle shift and 6 reps per min.
Aug. 14th. friday.
25 mile bike ride. rest day.
Aug 13th.
WO du jour:
Warm up on heavy bag kicking and hands. Bands and indian clubs.
10 sets of 3 barbell power cleans
10 sets of 6 reps per min. 20 kg push jerks.
Aug 12
WO du jour:
warmup with jump rope, indian clubs, bands.
10 sets of 5 Sumo deadlifts.
10 sets of 5 Pullups20 kg kettlebell snatchs 60 reps each arm.
18 mile bike ride.
Aug 11 Tues.
WO du jour:
Warmup: Indian clubs, light kettlebell joint mobility. '
2-4min. session of 16kg push jerk
2-4 min sessions of 16kg snatch
10 min. 16kg long cycle one arm at 1;30 each shift.
Aug.10 monday
WO du jour:
Warmup: Indian clubs and stretch bands.
5 rounds
10 150 lbs reg deadlift
10 handstand pushups
2-24kg kettlebell cleans
Second session: "Battling ropes "10 intervals with 2" rope.
This exercise tool is a real sleeper in term of effeciveness. based on the little experience I have had, I can attest it gets your attendtion when you use them and not just the arm.
Aug. 9th. sunday:
WO du jour:
warmup with Indian clubs, and stretch bands.
10 rounds of 250 meter row
10 rounds of 20kg one arm swing
26 mins.
3 sets fof GHD situps and back extentions.
very good session as the last two rounds were just about enough. Its good training to do kettlebells with the rowing to put respertory stress that you would only have at the mid point of a 10 min set.
Aug 8th. Sat.
WO du jour: 35mile bike ride with the club. Great ride, weather was outstanding.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

aug 7th

Aug 7th.

The other day a 48 year old male entered a LA Fitness gym during and aerobic class, filled mainly with females, and open fired killing three women and wounding a dozen more. The only good thing he did that day was that he took out his trusty 45 and blow his brains out.

This sick prick was on the web via his blog telling all who would read or listen to his rantings that he could not get a female date with a fist full of hundreds in a whore house. So he careful plotted his revenge on all women by going into this club where all the victims were there to improve their lives and not to be molested or harmed by the degenerates of our society. The problem is that there are more then one of these sickOs out there ready to act out their deviant actions. Why did No one picked up on this mental train wreak?

WO du jour:

Warmup: Indian club, stretch bands, mace circles.
20 min of long cycle with 16kg kettlebell, one min hand changes.
24kg ladders 1-10 reps. long cycle.
32kg ladders 1-5 long cycle

Aug 6th.

WO du jour:
20 mile bike ride with MT bike. Very good ride as the weather was like fall.

Aug. 5th.

WO du jour:
Warm up with Heavy bag and Indian clubs.
Deadhang cleans barbell. 15 sets of 115lbs. -155 lbs
Barbell push jerk; 15 sets of 2 115-135lbs.

Second session;
16Kg. kettelbell bottoms up long cycle 10 sets of 10
8 sets of rowing 30/30 sec intervals for watts.

Aug. 4th.

WO du jour:
Warmup with jump rope, bands and joint mobility.
6min snatch with 12kg at 16 reps per min.
6 min snatch with 12kg at 18 reps per min.
6 min snatch with 16kg at 16 reps per min.
24kg swing for 1 min each hand
Aug 3rd.

WO du jour:

Heavy warm up for shoulder work. Bands, work the heavy bag, and Indian Clubs.
3 times 3 min long cycle with 2-16kg kettlebells.
6 min. long cycle with 1-20 kg kettlebell with one hand switch.
24 kg ladder 1-10 reps