Friday, January 30, 2009

P90X is OK but, there is better out there.

Jan 31

P90X system has a lot of good exercise, but getting people to train consistently at home you can't buy or sell that.

All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.
Friedrich Nietzsche
WO du jour:

Bands, pulley and joint mobility warm up well especially the shoulders.

5 reps with 2 kettlebells LCCJ alternated with L set pull ups

20#2 sets

30 # 2 sets

40# 2sets

50 # 8 sets

60 # 1 set

70# 1 set

For those who are not aware of the latest fitness craze to come down the golden path(that's slowly turning into a dirt road) P90X in one of the new DVD home fitness program.

I got to see some of the program and here is my unqualified opinion on this and other DVD programs.

  • Just like Jane Fonda, DVD for fitness sells and makes the author rich. (they call that in the fitness industry a "revenue stream".

  • The P90x does incorporate all kinds of fitness tools like dumbells, body weight exercise, boxing and pullups. The attempt is to get more of the body involved and keep up with the success of crossfit type training.

  • Just like fitness equipment you buy for your home gym, 90 % will not be used or followed in a few days or weeks without out side coaching or training.

  • A rare few obtain the results at home, by oneself, that they show on the commercials. Why, that human nature my son.
Jan 29th.

This is Paul Anderson doing high pulls

You don't get strong lifting plastic weights or sitting your ass on some machine. Simply grab a bar and pull.

WO du jour:

Crossfit "E-liz" 21,15,9 reps for time

full barbell power clean with 135# (my racking sucks from lack of practice)

stationary dips( it should be ring dips but my shoulders are an issue for now)


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

a little endurance today

Jan 27th.

WO du jour:

No warmup except for some joint mobility.

5 min. rope jumping. Calfs got cramped after 3 mins. but finshed

100 pullups but only got 76 reps when arms started to cramp too much.

5 min. fig 8 and catch with 20kg. kettlebell.

100 pushups: last 20 was slow.

5 min side and center swing with 20 kg. kettlebell.

100 situps

5 min kettlebell cleans with 20kg

100 air squats:

41 min totals but the pullup eat up a lot of time to try to get the hundred.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Here they come for us

Jan 26th.

Remember, when they come for you, they eat the weak ones first.

Morning session wake up call: 2000 meters rowing, get your ass off and do 100 pushups, get you ass off the floor and crank out another 2000 meters of rowing.

18:00 mins of fun

Afternoon session: Barbell deadlifts and Kettlebell squats

worked up to 10 singles with 405 lb deadlift
10 singles of 2-28kg kettlebell full squats

Jan 25th. sunday :

Good shoulder warmup, with pulley bands and dumbell movements.
VO2 session. 16kg GS kettlebell 15 sec work 15sec rest. 50 sets
300+ reps at 6-7 reps per set.

Jan 24th.

The best way to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence.
-Charles Austin Beard

WO du jour:
bands and pully warmup: get shoulder up to speed.
5 sets of the following AFAP with 75 lb barbell
5 hang cleans, 7 HPDL, 5 push press.
6:10 min. each rep was full.
10 sets of 3 reps: seated KB press and hold at top and nutrial grip pullup with no rest.
Jan 23rd.

easy session:
5 sets of 21 burpees, 20 reps lunges with 45 lbs., 20 reps 2-14kg side kettlebell snatches. (maybe it was not that easy)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

speed does not always kill.

Jan 22nd

This is the best redneck "six pak"

" Power and speed be hands and feet.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

WO du jour:


Speed training on my running coarse. set Gymboss to 10 sec. run, 1 min. recovery. The running rate was not full out but a lot faster than in the last couple of months. 21 sets at 2miles.

6 1 min. sets of "Battling Ropes"
burpees and pull up combo for 20 reps.
28-36kg push jerks for 10 sets of 3.
16kg pull ups

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Get a grip

Jan. 20th.

The best mirror is an old friend.
-Peter Nivio Zarlenga

WO du jour:
moringing session: non stop

5 rounds of 25 reps each of the following:


2-16kg kettlebell side swings


135 lbs deadlift:

16:02 not bad for first thing in the morning.

Afternoon session:
5 min. fig 8 and catch warmup

12kg snatch; 25/25
16kg snatch 20/20 20/20/ 20/20
20 kg snatch 10/10 10/10

5 min 12 kg snatch 92 reps.

I have added as of late some crusher grip training to add a little more to my grip. You start of f with 100# then 150, and some singles with 200#. It too early to tell if its help my endurance but the 200 is getting easier. I might even get a 250 now.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Back in action.

Jan. 19th.

We have a new leader in the white house, wish him good luck.

"A President cannot always be popular.

Harry S. Truman

WO du jour;

Morning session: jump rope warm up, 10 sets of step up squats with dumbells and super setted with Dumbell power cleans.

afternoon session: Kettlebell LCCJ with 24 and 28 kg; 10 sets of 5

dumbell rowing 75# 10 sets of 10

Bally’s falls into bankruptcy again for the second time in 3 years.

I got some advice for Bally's total fitness that may keep you in business:

  1. get rid of all the flaky fitness non productive, trendy, class programs. that will save some you your trainer overhead. Get rid of the Pole dancing, step classes, dance classes and lifting plastic weights.

  2. get rid of and don't buy the latest treadmill or elliptical machines that comes out. Just use a couple for speed training and rehab. Keep a few spin bikes for those who like to bicycle and add some turbo setup for people to bring their bikes in for training. You will save tons of overhead and expense.

  3. get rid of the wide screen TVs. If you want to watch TV go to fuck home and let people concentrate on training.

  4. Set up lifting platforms for weight training with a rack for squatting and pressing off on each platform. Make sure you have plenty of bumper plates and one set of powerlifting plates and bar.

  5. get rid of the juice bar. people can make up their own, and sanitation is an issue. Show member what to drink and eat to supplement their training.

  6. Make sure you have some space set aside for body weight training with sit up benches and pull up and dip bars.

  7. make each member go through a month of training on basic weight lifting body weight exercise. Each member has be know how to exercise and stay with an effecive program.

  8. Have training on diet each month by a specialist and give each member a diet based on their needs.

  9. get rid of most of the machines used in body building. Most are useless and cause injures. replace the machines which case money to purchase and maintain.

  10. Get rid of the tanning setups. You are not in the tanning business you are in the fitness business.

  11. Only take members who after an interview, will stay with a program. If they don't know what their fitness goals are most lightly they will not stay and make you look bad. you want paying members, but you don't want the ones that don't get results of some kind.

  12. show members how to train in short durations for more effective results.

  13. Your business model has to change to one of less glitz, glamor to one that is more cost effectiveness and efficiency.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Jan 12th. monday:

I don't think so.

WO du jour: Bands warmup, foam roller, 50 situps
10 sets of 10 reps of the following:
kettlebell step up box squats 2-16kg
Kettlebell see saw press 2-16kg.
Kettlebell suitcase deadlift 40kg
28 mins. ( this session is for my biking prep for the season.)

Jan 10th

I like this track bike as it made for everyday use.

Americans are a can-do people, an enthusiastic people, a problem-solving people. And when given a direction and given a plan, they'll sign on.
Henry Cisneros

WO du jour:

bands and pulley warmup especially shoulders.

10 sets of 10 or 9-11 reps per min. kettlebell LCCJ

2-16 kg kettlebells

4 sets or 10 reps with single kettlebell.

20kg kettlebells

24kg kettlebells

28kg kettlebells.

total for the session 220 reps.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

The experts have spoken... crossfit is unfit.

Jan. 9th.

I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong."
-Leo Rosten

WO du jour: Rest day(so it my way of resting)
100 burpees on fists, 100 situps, 4x2 min sets on heavy bag, 2 min fig 8 and hold with 24kg kettlebell.

I subscribe to the chat group called "supertrainer" made up of trainers, coaches, phys ed teachers and all types of fitness aficionados. As of late the main topic of the day has been CrossFit as a exercise system. Of coarse the experts were explaining that the GPP will not serve the elite athletic. So fucking what!
Crossfit primary focus is real average Joe who have to be fit to perform at their professions other that an over paid prima dona elite athletic. If some fitness system gets a large group in some level of fitness, and they enjoy it, then its much better than some high end periodization system that take a mathematician and a physiologist to manage.

There is nothing wrong with Crossfit except some jealousy by trainers who are not profiting form it or they were not the ones who thought this up to enjoy its success. Personally I did not affiliate as I did not plan to be tied down to a business even though I follow most of Crossfit exercise model. I have my own model which works for me a provides me with plenty of flexibility.

At my age, I have to modify some of the crossfit workouts for lacking some of the flexibility issues form a number of previous injuries, but I keep with the modality intended as close as possible. Sometimes I can do the volume,weight, or work capacity, especially when using kettlebells on a lot of the routines. Do I perform all the routines? hell no! Like the muscle up, which I can do in sections, but my shoulders won't support that benchmark exercise, or a good overhead squat with the barbell nor kipping pullup. Therefore, it not in my cards to be able to be proficient enough to coach crossfit totally, so I will never have a small box affiliate.

Have I benefited from Crossfit. You bet your ass! I have a low body fat, ripped arms and legs, resting pulse rate of 40 bpm. I can exercise all day if I want, and do some days, and a fitness level of a person haft my age. So when I hear the critics of crossfit, come talk to me and I will set you straight.

Incidentally, There have been elite athletics who tried to make it in the SEAL program, which is the ultimate GPP program and left with there pants around their ankles.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Brother its not heavy, it just looks like it.

Jan. 8th.

It's not the load that breaks you down - it's the way you carry it.
Lou Holtz

WO du jour:

Warm up with bands and pulleys.
100 back squats without dropping weight 100 lbs.

5 pullup and 10 pushups as a set each min. for 10 min. (50 pull ups 100 push ups)
150 kettlebell snatches in 7 minutes.

The barbell squats at high reps makes a good warm up. Tom Platz, the body builder, had some of the most massive quads from heavy, high rep squats. He would take weights of 3-400 lbs and squat for time or 50 or hundreds reps. It was extreme even by today's standards of body building.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Up for a little jog

Jan 7th. 2009

I believe that sometimes you have to look reality in the eye and deny it.
-Garrison Keillor

WO du jour:

10 sets of 10 reps of the following with no rest except to chalk up.
175 lbs deadlift, with overhand grip fast.
28kg kettlebell double floor press
28 kg kettlebell double cleans.

another good combo of full body exercises all in less than 30 mins

Don't drop the kettlebell on your head, big guy.

Jan 5th.
This old picture is not one of good kettlebell pressing form. No one today lifts a heavy kettlebell with the shoulder in that position. Maybe the dude was real strong anyway and can lift anyway he wants.
You make the world a better place by making yourself a better person.
-Scott Sorrell
WO du jour:
Warmup: 25 situps, 25 push ups, 5 pull ups 3 sets.
50 reps of fig 8 and hold with 20kg kettlebell
2 mile sprinting and walk.
afternoon: bands warm up.
one arm kettelbell press. 24kg kettlebell 3 reps for 10 sets
Each rep was done with a clean and then a 15sec static hold at the top. It was a great ab workout.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Is that the mother of all Kettlebells ?

Jan 4th.
At 112kg, kettlebell. Most people could not even deadlift this monster kettlebell off the ground. Anyway that is a impressive lift from a very strong gentlemen.

Man's biological weakness is the condition of human culture.

Erich Fromm
WO du jour: Bands, pulleys, joint mobility and burpees for warm up

chin ups sets of 6 sets of 5 reps
Step up squats with a contra lateral 24kg kettlebell 6 sets of 10 reps.
6 sets of 15 reps each hand of 16kg kettlebell GS snatch.

The snatch reps on each arm are being increased slowly. My technique is getting more stylish and I work up some good quality cardio. God I hate that term(cardio), for metabolic conditioning.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Crossfitters have more tools than Sears

Jan 3rd. 2009

Man is a tool-using Animal. Nowhere do you find him without tools; without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all.
Thomas Carlyle

WO du jour: 2 miles of sprinting and walking.

The average crossfitter or kettlebell lifter, is also a tool oriented person. We know that there is no limitations on materials or equipment that can be used to facilitate the Work Of of the day...... except maybe a poor imagination.
Kettlebells, clubbells, kegs, ropes, plastic pipes are all tools you will find in a crossfitter arsenal of fitness equipment.