Saturday, December 26, 2009
Zercher squats for GS kettlebell sport.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Kettlebell "Linda" can be a bad lady.
Training today:
warm up with stretch bands, and Indian clubs. De load back as there is a lot of back work.
Kettlebell Crossfit "Linda" Oh no not that again!
10,9,87,6,5,4,3,2,1, reps on each AFAP.
2-40kg kettlebell deadlift( was not my 1.5% but I have not been training heavy in weeks.)
2-20kg kettlebell floor press: shoulder sore form Tues. so back off a little.
2-20 kg cleans: that was good but not that easy.
16;56 not a bad time but is was still challenging.
I like using kettlebells most of the time as our friend Jeff Martone does with his Crossfit combo using kettlebells. When the lift can be done at a higher resistant like the front or back squat, or the deadlift, there is little sense in using kettlebells for those applications, that are too light or can be done better with barbells or dumbells.
Now if you look at my Linda crossfit WOD, I have to be lifting more than 280lbs on the deadlift so my biggest two kettlebells are 175lbs if I use 2 bells, so Ireally need to use a barbell or if I want to add some real stress, or I can use 135 lb dumbells. I have done this once, but using the larger dumbells to replace the barbell is much difficult. That my opinion!
As for the the bench press, I don't do benching anymore as it cause so much damage to my shoulders when I competed in powerlifting that I prefer floor press that puts me in a favorable shoulder extention and less flexion. Also I don't like to being in a physical position of submission.
a Kettlebell clean, with two bells which can exceed my capacity to clean two bells. At this time I am looking at max lift of 2-28kg as my bench mark on the cleans.
latter in the day was a 3 mile walk/run.
have a great holiday and remember the mission is sacred.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Kettlebells and walking
Training today:
500 air squats for time; 13 min. I wanted to work up to a 1000 with a bench mark of 30 min or less. It looks do able so I will try it by the end of the week.
went for a 3 mile walk /run(very cold) to remove some of the stiffness, which was not that bad.
later in the day did a warmup with stretch bands and side swings.
12 min long cycle with 16kg. lost count but over 120 reps.
There is a fitness program that the fire service and other organizations are promoting, which is a "10,000 steps" walking fitness workout. The basic idea is to progressively get so you can walk about a 10k per day walking steady. Now this is a very achievable goal for anyone who whats to loose weight without a lot of complicated training like myself and other do, but it freaking works! I have a good friend that is a career fireman who after 12 years on the job got overweight and wanted to change but did not like to workout that much. A common response. I told him that to just start by getting his IPOD and walk at least 30 min each day.
Well he liked it so much he is at 6 miles a day after three months and lost 20 lbs. After one year of this his weight is down 35 lbs and is now on dumbells and kettlebells to get some strength back he has lost over the years.
My friend will never be a gym rat like myself, but he has found a simple system that works for him, likes to do consistently, effective, and little complications. you can't beat that!
Friday, December 11, 2009
New ropes arrived.

Dec. 12th.
Today's training:
warm up: 2 mile walk run, Indian clubs, joint mobility.
DB squat cleans: 50 reps with 35lbs dumbbells
KB long cycle: 16kgs 50 reps in 2 sets
Battling ropes: 6 times 1 min work with 2 ropes.
The training today was for work capacity. My long cycle is getting better at the rack and clean, but the recovery and push jerk is not there yet.
Today, I got the new battling ropes from Punch Gym company. The 1.5" ropes was a great price and shipping was free.Also the order came in three days. Punch Gym has a great program and lots of great old style equipment, all American made. Punch's originator has a innovative fitness programs with all the kettlebell services.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Best cyclist kettlebell exercise

Tuesday, December 08, 2009
you never have enough rope

Dec. 8th. Tues.
You never have enough rope
Training sessions:
morning: 2 mile walk
Crossfit "Cindy" plus
5 pull ups (90 pull ups)
10 ring push ups (180 push ups)
15 jumping squats. (270 squats)
18: 48 or 18 sets Note I was going for 20 min. but got a cramp in my pecks so I stopped.
Battling Ropes: 6 mins using 1.5" rope at one arm at a time.
Kettlebell snatch 16kg 8 mins. @ 16reps per min.(2 mins. on 1 min rest)
I had a 20' length of 1.5" to try at a higher rate of oscillation than the 2". My 50 set from Punch Gym should come soon so my crew can try more techniques. The smaller rope does move a lot faster and you also fatigue a lot faster also, therefore we should get better results. Also I like the idea that you can cool down as well as warm up from a hard session using Kettlebells.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Back home

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
certifications can be
Today's training: 3 miles of walking and running about 40 min. in local park.
Workshops and certifications you may want to attend takes a little up front work prior to attending if you want to get your moneys worth. Yes, you can drop a grand or two on your favorite workout method cert like spinning, battling ropes, kettlebells, crossfit, yoga, etc. and the list is endless. In the last few years the price has gone to obscene levels for 16 hours of training and a piece of paper to show you attending.
So if you want to get one of those three letters after your name or several more to impress you friends, sign up for your favorite certifications but get ready to work for a few days at the training if you want to get your money worth. Therefore I would be a good idea to start training a few months prior so you can last the 8 hours for a few days and still look good. Remember, the goal of the certification is to obtain the expertise to train others and a role model for that method, therefore you will be required to show your teaching and techniques before you are given the certification. If you go to the cert cold with little physical prep you may fail, become fatigued or even injured.
So even a hardcore body weight workshop will kick you ass for a few hours if you don't get some frequent multi training sessions before you attend. The best way to train for a cert. is to do mini workout sessions several times a day to see if you can maintain the stamina all day without falling apart after a couple of hours. You will get breaks during the cert. but most people only get accustom to one training session, but you will be getting mini workouts all day at the cert and depending on the type, it can be intense. I attended a spinning workshop and we were on the bikes for 6 hours a lot of it at interval mode.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Low tech trumps high a lot more.

warm up: 100 tire slams, and Indian clubs
50 burpees
50 dumbell single leg dead lift 45#
50 ring push ups
50 dumbell squat cleans
50 reps 2-16kg kettlebell push press
Most have heard the debate of high vs low tech in regards to technology, with the low tech being old and antiquated with high tech with the new innovations. Well, to me low tech is usually more reliable with it less complication, but some high tech has at time advanced sport to a higher level. take the case of poll vaulting. With the new fiber poles replacing the metal inflexible poles, make for more effective jump and performance.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Senior moment
Today's training:
Indian clubs and joint mobility warm up
50 dumbbell squat cleans with 2-35lbs
100 pullups,all hand positions
150 2-16kg kettlebell SDHP
50 Kettlebell long cycle
26 min.
Performed a Seniors seminar on fitness, at a large wellness center. The number of residents of this facility, which was exceptionally operated, was small who took advantage of fitness programs. However, the people who did take part were well engaged in their situations and were not resigned to a less than active life like so many seniors are.
we keep reading in the fitness business periodicals that the "baby boomer" and seniors will be this a large surge in club memberships but I think this is just a marketing dream......I don't see it coming.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
the word for today is kettlebell
Today's training:
warm up: Indian clubs, stretch bands, OL stick joint mobility.
Dumbell squat cleans starting with 10lbs to 45lbs in sets of 5 reps.
Barbell deadlifts; 135 to 300lbs sets of 3 (sumo style) 15 total sets.
One arm Kettlebell long cycle: 16kg 6 sets, 1/1/1 work, work, rest
20kg 6 sets of 1/1/1 all at 6 reps per min.
Good training session. the long cycle was easy as I wanted to concentrate on the speed of the jerk instead of trying to get more reps per min. My speed and the drive overhead need some quality speed that is consistent.
I goggle the word "kettlebell" get some days as many as 50. This is a expected trend that is growing rapidly in regards to volume, but we can all see that there is not the quality. Some people must take a 2 hour workshop and then go back home and start training others with limited skill sets. It takes along time be be proficient at a physical sport let alone coach someone else. So every day you see some guy or gal show you a brief multi lift workout that burns fat like bacon in a fry pan......so they say. Pure bullshit on toast and just another reason that personal training is becoming a waning profession.
Monday, November 16, 2009
basic snatch session today.
Today's training:
3 mile run/walk in park. more run than walk.
afternoon session:
Stretch bands, and Indian clubs, heavy and speed bag warm up
Kettlebell snatch session: 12 times 2 min sets, at 16 to 18reps per min.
The snatch session was very smooth started with a couple of sets with 12kg then the rest with 16kg with 1min rest after each 2min. set.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Seniors would kettlebells too
today's training:
Warm up: Crossfit "Cindy" WOD(5 sets of 5 pull ups,10push ups,15sit ups,20 squats)
2 kettelbell cleans 10 sets of 10 reps: 12,16,20,24kg.
2 kettlebell push press: 12kg 5 sets, 16kg 5 sets. 12 to 14 reps per min. 1 min work 1min rest. for 12 sets. fast and hard but get full extention.
Worked on the push press cleans so I rack lower for the long cycle and the push press from the rack and get full extension each rep. It must be working as I hit the two bells at the top of the lift most of the time.
Yesterday I was thinking about the lack of peers in kettlebell sport. On one hand most of the organizations don't really encourage seniors to lift kettlebells, I know this first hand having trained with most of the organizations. I am not blaming the organizations as its up to the individuals to pursue the sport or exercises using kettlebells, however some education as to the benefit's of joint mobility, and rehab effects resulting from kettlebell exercise and sport could help promote to a potential larger audience. It would be nice to have a seniors division once in a while, not for handicapping but to allow "gray beards" a chance to compete with each other. Powerlifting has a very large veterans and seniors divisions.
Its been 3 years since I had back issues that left me in pain most of the time and restricted my sport performance, but since training in kettlebell sport 4 to 6 times a week, all pain or restrictions have been eliminated by my direct intervention using kettlebells. I am sold that this activity has huge potential for recapturing functional movement.
Nov. 14th. sat.
Today's training:
3 mile walk/run with 40lb Xvest.
Friday, November 13, 2009
There are no secrets in sport for perfection.
today's training:
Warm up: joint mobility and Indian clubs
100 box step ups on 20" box with 40 lbs Xvest: 7 min. and a lot of fun.
50-40-30-20-10 reps (150 reps)
2-12kg kettlebells push jerk
pronated grip jumping pull ups
21 min. ( note the pull ups were added in a pronated close grip which is the reciprocal action of the push jerk at the completion of the lift. this was to improve my full extention.
There are no secrets when it comes to sports or athletic activities! Then why is it that the world class in their field are sought after as though they hold some secret method of training that makes them successful? World class athletic and masters of their sport are what they are, as they were born that way and they just knew how to make good on their genetic gifts.
Many years ago when studying martial arts in Korea, the Masters son gave a impromptu talk when one of the advanced students asked why the master did not tell them more of the secrets he held that made him so good. The master son laughed and said"there are no secrets" its just hard work and knowing how to prefect what you are given at birth. You did not have to come to this school to learn to fight if you knew how to be utilize what your body and mind was capable of. So when I would read that some martial art had some esoteric method that is a secret, I would just laugh and feel sorry for the people that swallow that bullshit.
In my many years of lifting weights, I have worked with world class and Olympic athletics and it all cases, they were just regular guys that did the similar workouts that the average participant would do, they they just made better use of their bodies to handle more weight. They could not even tell you why or what they do for training is better then the less successful.
Today's training:
3mile walk run in the park.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Small foot print
today's training:
warm up: C2 rower,1min on, 1 min rest for 8 sets.
10 min. on heavy bag.
"my butt is on fire"
4 rounds for time
10 reps DL 265lbs
20 reps 28kg one arm GS swing
30 reps GHD situps
17:49 very hard session for Glute and hams.
Second session:
16kg. Snatch 2 min each arm then 2 min rest. for 6 sets @ 14 reps per min.
Having a small gym or health facility is rapidly becoming the new way to save the fitness industry. As we know the large facilities are filled with machines, TVs and large rooms for group exercise. This is a very costly enterprise to equip a gym with scores of aerobic machines that have to be replaced frequently as they wear out and new models come on the market. Rents on these buildings and utilities can cut into profits quickly if memberships volumes are not maintained. Lastly today there are a lot more failures and bankrupts are frequent even on large successful mega chains who try to expand too fast with low capitalization.
My prediction is that this trend will continue away from the large overhead gyms to more small box (1000 to 2000 sq foot), utilizing basic fitness tools that requires low square footage. Basically a much smaller "foot print". However, more work is needed to educate the public that you can become very fit and strong with just a few tools or equipment and without the "hamster" style training that yields little results.
My personal gym and the one I attend outside of mine, is very small comparing to local gyms, but it would take me months to use each piece of equipment Incorporated in to routines, with all the potential variations. Small box gyms can accommodate a modest number of people training, but its designed for people who are serious style of exercise, and not interested in whats on CNN.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Today's training:
Morning session: 50min. walk/run around the park.
afternoon session:
warmup with Indian clubs and light kettlebells
Barbell complex with bar only with 7 movements which is new.
kettlebell push press 12-24kg single arm. for a total of 140 reps
Pull ups: 5 reps pronated grip after each set of Push press 65 reps
Today I concentrated on the push press with an emphasis on chest drive and breathing sequence.
When the weight starts to get heavy and breathing becomes more difficult to coordinate with the lift action. However, that is the time to slow the lift action down to maintain lift form and therefore lift efficiency. So to pratice that, you have to segment the pratice lifts in number of reps but with timed rest periods; in this routine is only 1 min. It worked well, as I got to the 24kg sets, I was able to increase the reps to 6 and still control of breathing.
I found out today that the city has received a grant to complete another section of a local Rail trail to be added to existing section that has been in place for several years. Rail trails are a great multi use park system that is low maintenance, unlike my wife.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
short sunday ride
Today's training:
18mile bike ride early in the morning. Temp was 40deg so it was good weather. Used my very hilly route to Otisville(in my area all roads lead to Otisville). Used my MT bike with street tires as there was a lot of wet leaves. Great fall ride but short.
after the ride headed to my gym and did some "Kettlebell figure 8" and catch to stretch out.
I sat down in the afternoon and did some long term planning for the winter as what was to be Incorporated into my training. Anyway a review of my training logs is in order to see what progress has been made and what needs to be adjusted for the next few months. Years ago I would be fanatical about periodization, but my routines are too varied to apply classical resistance planning so its going take a little time.
Trick or treat
Today's training:
Stretch bands, Indian clubs, foam roller
Intervals on C2 rower: 30 sec. work/30sec rest. 12 sets.
3 sets of 20 reps abmats, and ring push ups
Don't send your kids out to trick or treat. The candy is no good for them and you are teaching them to be beggars and panhandlers.
Friday, October 30, 2009
kettlebell "Fran"
Today's training:
Morning: 45min walk/run
Warm up with work on the heavy bag, Indian clubs, and light swings.
Barbell Deadlift: 5 sets of 5 reps 250lbs to warm up hips.
"Kettlebell Fran"
21,15,9 reps for time
2-20kg kettlebells thrusters( more like a box squat thruster)
pull ups: Did I ever tell you they suck.
7:38 my best time for Fran. I think I will go for 24kg next as I don't think i will be much faster anyway.
When I did my Kettlebell Crossfit cert. with Jeff Martone, we never did this routine. I guess he wanted to be somewhat human.
kettlebell sleep upset
Today's training:
Morning; 15 mile bike ride just to flex the legs.
Night: warm up with heavy bag, Indian Clubs and jump rope
Kettlebell Long cycle: 2-12kg. 3 sets of 2 min.
2-16kg 4 sets of 1min. @ 6reps per min.
2-20kg. 2 sets of 1min. @ 6 reps per min.
1-24kg 2 sets of 5 reps per hand. in 1 min.
1-28kg 1 set of 5 reps per hand in 1 min.
The long cycle is still a long work in progress, especially the clean efficiency. I think the next session I will reduce the volume some and increase the duration.
I was real busy yesterday so I trained late after supper so when I went to bed, my sleep was not sound and got up early and hungry. Lesson learned.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
You can steal my signs but not my fitness
today's training:
10 mins on the heavy Tai bag. Hard punches and kicks for power.
3 x 500 meter sets on C2 rower.
10 x 30/30 sec intervals on C2
3 sets of 20 reps back squats with 100 lbs.
5 rounds.
Dumbbell split clean 35lbs for 10 reps (not as easy as it looks but a great less use exercise)
jumping pull ups for 10 reps
At night: 12 and 16kg snatches for 1min/1min. at 20 reps per min.
The first session was great with a very good warm up. The "Erin" crossfit session was modified to provide a good but not balls out session. The primary workout was the snatch session in the afternoon.
A fellow fitness trainer I know told me of how other trainers steal the signs that she puts out as advertising and spying on the training to see the attendance and activity level. For the person at the receiving end of this negative activity,when all should promote a positive program to makes people fit and happy, it is a real downer. Yes, there is a lot of competition in the fitness business dollars, as there is just so many potential costumers available in a limited market, such as we have. Our area is a wash with all kinds of fitness programs, from spinning, Zumba,crossfit, globo gyms, martial arts, personal training and Yoga. Each fitness business thinks he or she has the best program, and most go out of their way to degrade or demonizing the other person's programs or competition. My answer to all this, is that if someone is criticizing you, or targeting you, then you are a threat, which makes you the chief completion. You have arrived and making progress. Stay the course on what you believe is the best way to serve you clients and that's all you can do. If you are making your clients happy and successful then they will come back that is all you can do.
Our American society evaluates a product by who has be best verbal execution to explain their product not on facts or real value numbers to base their promotion. We can flap our lips all day that our product is better than the next, but at the end of the day it is factual numbers or real performance is the way to evaluate a products worth. Its when you have perform at a high level and get Measueable results, that is where most fitness business don't make the grade. There are few before and after pictures to show.
Oct. 26th
Today's training:
warm up: Heavy bag, stretch bands, and light Kettlebells.
2-12kg 40 reps push press
2-16kg. 1min. at 12 reps per min for 5 sets
2-20kg 1min. at 10 reps per min for 5 sets
1-24kg. 5 reps per hand for 10 sets and 5 pull ups
Oct 25th.
today's training:
a nice bike ride on a windy day. around 25 miles.
mixed bag on a rainy day.
Today's training:
Warm up: 5000 meters on C2. solid pace.
New circuit: 25 min AMRAP
One leg deadlift: 3 reps each leg with 24kg
kettlebell Long cycle 3 reps each arm with 24kg.
pull up/burpee: 3 reps
10 GHD sit ups:
Barbell rowing: 3 reps with 200#
sand bag front squat: 3 reps with 80 reps.
circuit was done for 25min. I can increase the weights but I had to start somewhere.
The one leg deadlift I have not done in some time but they really work the hamstrings.
I did the rowing a moderate pace as a warm up but that's a long warm up.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Haft snatch can help get more reps
Today's training: 3 mile walk-run in the morning
warm up with Indian Clubs, stretch bands and light kettlebells.
Kettlebell snatch: 12kg 70/70 in 7 mins.
16kg, 25/25 2 sets
20kg 15/15 4 sets of haft snatch.
3 sets of 10 pullups
2 sets of situps and back extentions on GHD
Thursday, October 22, 2009
the art of war

So you want to be a warrior
Today's training: Rest day.
3 mile walk in the morning.
20 mile bike ride. Great weather 70 deg.
Long ago I had the opportunity to see a Foreign Legion training center when I lived in France. It most austere facility with very basic equipment, with ropes, pull up bars, an obstacle coarse that really just a trail in the woods but with very difficult terrain. It was very primitive by all standards. These professional solders used rocks as resistance and did self defence on plan ground with no padding. Once they got out of basic program, they got to use the best equipment in the business. However, if the perspective solder of the legion checked out how they hard they trained prior to signing on the dotted line, they would had a lot fewer operators.
I was told that training in this rigid environment, using austere equipment has a more realistic physical connection for combat operations then that you would see in a modern gym with all those shinny machines. It must be working as they are the fittest recruits I have ever witnessed at that time.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Up grade the military fitness.

Early outdoor fitness center. Notice no weights or treadmills.
Today's training:
warm up: 10 min. on heavy bag, Indian clubs. stretch bands
Long cycle 2-12kg. kettlebells for 3 min at 8 reps per min. 3-3min sets for 75 reps total
Long cycle 1-16 kg kettlebell for 12 min. switch on the min.
5 sets 5 reps pull ups and 20 sit ups.
Afternoon: a 15 mile bike ride. great weather.
I have seen several blogs articles discussion on the subject of military PT and testing. The consciences of trainers today that the fitness education within the military is somewhat irrelevant or deficient to prepare our military for today's operations. What has happen now in the present battlefield, military personnel are carrying a lot more equipment and age demographics has increased. I have also been told,especially form Marine corps recruits are less fit in general then ever before. Well we in the fitness business know all this as we see it each day. So what do we do?
Don't use officers and senior enlisted that don't have a least fitness trainer education to train recurits. You would not use a truck driver to cut your hair, would you? Next change the general exercises to enhance the work capacity and varied intensity. Then make the PT test more functional using several test routines so the solder will have to be total fit instead of fit to do push up, a short runs or a few sit ups. Lastly the test should be done in full gear and increased load, not in Nike's and jock straps. Even our police and fireman train and test in full gear they will be operating in.
Warfare is constantly changing as the target adopts and the war zone become more difficult. In Afghanistan, most of the country is at high altitude and requires opeators to traverse difficult mountains, with heavy gear, in a low oxygen atmosphere. To operate is such an environment a military will require higher fitness levels just to get to the fight.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Running can be hazardous to your health sometimes

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Use the correct tools
today's training:
warm up with Indian clubs, jump rope( its really plastic) stretch bands.
100 pull ups
100 ring dips( first time and did them so my toes touches as I was not use to the depth.)
4x10 reps of belt squats off boxes.
50 GHD situps and back extensions
second session: 50 min walk-run.
I like using kettlebells myself for a lot of my training, but I think the general public tries to use kettlebells in all types of creative exercises which will yield marginal results, but would be better served by using the proper exercise tool. I see people deadlifting with kettlebells when they should be using heavy dumbells or a barbell instead. The heavy kettlebell you see in a gym is a 40kg and most people men an woman when instructed in deadlift can lift two times that much in a few sessions. Exercises like Turkish get up and windmill are strongmen type exercises and not really the function of kettlebells unless you are using extra heavy kettlebells like 50 and 60kgs. I routinely deadlift with 300-450 lbs so I don't use kettlebells for that exercise.
The kettlebell is designed to be a strength work capacity tool not an absolute strength tool like a heavy barbell can accomplish. Therefore if you can long cycle 2-32kg kettlebells for reps, then you should be using 200 to 300lbs barbell power cleans for a couple of reps for absolute strength development.
Monday, October 05, 2009
power cleans for pull speed
Today's training:
Jump rope, and stretch bands and stick movements.
2 min high pulls with 24kg kettlebells.
21,18,15,12,9,3. reps for time
barbell power cleans
GHD situps
GHD back extentions.
17:44 min. ( the situps suck but you can't like everything)
look at pain don't turn away.
Today's training:
warmup: jump rope, indian clubs, and stretch bands and reverse hypers.
2 min of swings with 16kg
5x2min long cycle with 2-16kg kettlebells at 7 reps per min.
20 min long cycle one 20 kg kettlebell. 6 reps per min.
3 sets of 10 ab roller.
hang pull ups to deload back
Great session!
I was reading an article on pain in exercise that can be tolerated more by group interaction then individual. Daaah! when you are working with someone else or in a group exercise session, you really disassociate the pain and therefore you don't feel as much of the truma resulting from the action taking place. That is also why they have big screen TV in Globo gyms are provided to members running on cardio-gerbil equipment so they can disassociate the boardum and discomfort.
However, there will be times when you have to be alone with your demons of pain and discomfort so you have do lean to focues on this so you know if it is fatgue pain or injury inducing pain. when I ran long distance races, even running in a group I always focus on my internal action in regards to heart rate and musle pain to optimize perfromance. Yes, you can ignore pain but it more benificual to focuse on it and most times it goes away in fear.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Crossfit to pre exhust for kettlebell GS
WO du jour:
Warm up: some Buddy Lee jump roping but not like he can. You got to appreciate a 35 dollar jump rope.
100 tire slams for a little functional work.
Indian clubs: I did not hit my head today.
50 snatches with the 12kg. kettlebell
Crossfit "Cindy" 5 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups,15sit ups and 20 air squats.
6 min snatch set with 16kg one hand change@ 16 rep per min.
Crossfit Cindy for 5 more rounds faster.
4 min of 20 kg snatch@ 14 reps per min.
21 mins of good work.
Now the method to my madness today was to pre exhaust my body for the snatch part of the training By using Crossfit Cindy. I pre exhausted somewhat my system so I was fatigued going into the snatch sets. Normally I use the AKC protocol of timed intervals to prepare for the 10 min time lifts, increasing the numbers and time when possible. However, I have old shoulders that hang by a thread so by going with high rep sets to achieve the 10 min work capacity is not in my best interest all the time.
Now the purest in GS will argue that this won't work that well, but I have evidence that it will based on past training for endurance events, that it will. The object of developing work capacity is to fatigue the body before the extremities. In my case, my arms will fatigue long before my body will due to larger arms, chest, inefficient technique and minimal range of motion. Therefore I did the snatches in a fatigued condition that felt like I in a 10 min set instead of a 4 min sets thereby saving my shoulders.
When I was training for 50 and 100 mile road races, I did most of my running on hiking trails with lots of rocks and steep inclines and declines with weighted packs. By training on trails provided me with a large work capacity that I could not get by running a flat roads at a low pulse rate.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
kettlebell work capacity
WO du jour:
10 min heavy bag warm up
10,000 lbs dead lift 2-40kg kettlebells 57 reps
7,500 lbs hang cleans: 2-20kg kettlebells 85 reps
5,000lbs push press: 2-16kg kettlebells 71 reps
20 min. total time. 22,500 lbs total poundage.
The objective today is to replicate the three lifts in kettlebells instead of a barbell, which I do faster as I use higher weights and less reps. Also by utilizing kettebells in pairs is to improve handling for GS lifting. This session is for plain old work capacity but kept a steady slow pace to insure form as mine sucks with the twin kettlebells.
Sept 28th Sat.
WO du jour:
10 min. warm up on heavy bag.
12kg. 5 reps, 16kg 5 sets of 5
20kg 2 4min sets
20kg 5 2 min sets
2-16kg long cycle 5 sets of 10 reps
2 55lb dumbells side hang cleans 3 sets of 10
2-20kg kettlebell cleans followed by pull up 20 reps
Sunday, September 27, 2009
lots of cardio on the menu kettlebell style.
WO du jour:
15 min on heavy bag kicks and up arm attacking. Start easy and end up slamming hard in the last 5 min. Great warm up in a functional way.
stretch bands to prepare for snatch
chalk up bells 12,16 and 20 for session
12kg at 70 reps per arm for a total of 140 in less than 10 min.
16 kg at 50 reps per arm for 100 reps in less than 6 min.
20 kg at 5 sets of 10 reps per arm.
24kg swing at for 4o reps with 2 arm shifts.
23 min bike ride after kettlebell session to complete my cardio or medcom session.
just a note; my chalking effect for the kettlebell handles is getting much better. I don't have any loss of hand skin that can be a show stopper for the next few training sessions. it becoming a ritual thing.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Kettlebell nukes?

Sunday, September 06, 2009
WO du jour:
warm up: Indian clubs for 5 mins, 100 tire slams, 100 light wall balls, Stretch bands. 10 min on heavy bag.
5 reps per exercise for 5 rounds.
2 16 kg kettlebell "manmakers"
pull ups
110 lbs sumo high pull dead lift
32kg kettlebell one are swing.
get up situp with 2 10 kg kettlebells
rest 30 secs.
total time of 30:23 min.
It was a great session as you never really catch your breath. the hardest was the manmakers which is a push up on the handles, renegade row, high pull-squat clean,to a push press.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Sept 3rd,4,5th
WO du jour:
warm up: Indian Clubs, stretch bands, jump rope and 100 tire slams, 100 wall balls.
30 sec kettlebell clean, then 30 sec push press, then hold in rack for 30 sec then shift.
20 mins continuous. (10 min 16kg and 10 min 20kg.
50 GHD situps
Sept 4th.
Rest day: 1 hr. Ruck with my trusty Xvest.
Sept. 3rd.
WO du jour:
Warmup: Indian clubs, stretch bands, 100 tire slams with sledge hammer,
8 min. 12 kg kettlebell snatch at 16 reps per min. one switch
8 min. 16 kg kettlebell snatch at 16 reps per min. one switch
2-4 min 20 kg kettebell snatch at 14 reps per min. one switch
15 mile bike ride.
I was reading the Crossfit journal about the last Crossfit games where they were evaluating what was the harder events of the games. One of them was the hammer event where the athlete had to pound in a stake with a large sledge hammer. That kind of surprised me as crossfit exercises try to maintain the functional movements, but I think a lot of the boxes don't do it enough or they think it not that effective. But if you think about it, swing a hammer, bat, golf club is very frequently found in real life.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
.where did summer go?
WO du jour:
go for tonnage.
10000 lbs sumo deadlift
7500lbs power clean dead hang.
5000lbs push press
14:57 that smoked me! or 22,500lbs lifted.
The deadlifts where done 20,30 reps with 200 lbs.
the power cleans were done in sets of 10to 20 with 100 lbs
and the push press were done in sets of 10 as I did pressing yesterday all with barbells.
great session but I think I will use heaver weight and lower the reps.
Aug 31st.
wo du jour:
1hour "ruck" with Xvest but added two lbs. the xvest is easy to add weight when you add little 1 lb weights to the little pockets inside the vest. It fits like a glove, but it does restrict the lower ab a little when breathing get elevated.
afternoon: warm up with Indian clubs and pulleys.
Ladder reps 1-10 using
24kg long cycle
hanging pull ups
did not time just slowly when from one set to the next without stopping. The 24kg was a new a girya so the weight was a little rough at first.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Aug 29th
WO du jour:
warm up with Indian clubs, stretch bands, foam roller, light Kettlebells.
C2 rowing: 10 x 30 sec intervals using the Watts mode. of Pull ups, sit ups, air squats and push ups
60 reps of rack reverse deadlifts 225 lbs in 2 sets reps of the following
barbell power cleans from the floor
ring dips
Power wheel 3 sets
I was reading an article about the concept "toning" as a fitness protocol, by Andre Hefferman, from his blog "Male pattern fitness". The word is really useless in describing any thing when it comes to fitness training. I have a 400 page book on exercise prescriptions I used in school, but there was not one mention of "toning" in the entire book. It just one of the many buzz words the fitness industry uses to peddle nonsense exercise programs.
Fitness double speak:
Toning: means all I want to do in the gym is a pitiful workout, going through the motions in case some one is watching. You also encourage my dumb friends to do the same so they will not look better than me.
Cardio today: that means you will be running on an elliptical or treadmill like some gerbil in a cage, work up some sweat, an think you will strip off fat with another pitiful workout.
In the fat burning range: What did some one put a match to you? you are doing your "cardio" session at a rate that is comfortable enough to fall asleep.
I bulking up: This means's you are eating like a pig to put on fat mass so it looks like you have been training, as long as you wear bulky cloths.
BIs and Tris today: this means you will be doing a lot of upper arm isolation exercise in an effort to build some expose able body part to make everyone think you workout and no one to mess with.
Squats are bad for the knees: No you would rather sit you ass on the leg extension or leg curl machine and develop searing of the knee joint so you can have knee replacement before the age of 40. Besides, squatting with a heavy barbell looks like too much work and all the puking makes me sick to look at.
I use light weights for definition: that means you are to lazy to lift heavy compound exercise weight to get effective interstellar fat loss and develop real muscle.
I use the routines in Muscle and fitness magazine: The material in the various Muscle and fantasy magazines are for selling useless supplement product using a lot of roided out models and routines that look impressive but pro don't use. It cheaper to spend 6 dollars to get your training information then to spend several hundred dollars in trainer or seminar cost by someone who can really help you. But you know best for you and all your friends.
Aug 28 rest day
Monday, August 17, 2009
aug 27

WO du jour:
1 hour "Ruck" with 30lbs xvest.
barbell snatch: sets of 3 reps from 45lbs to 100 lbs.
Dumbell clean: 10 sets of 55 lbs.
Afternoon session:
Indian club and stretch band warm up.Light Kettlebell and "wings" 20lbs.
4 min timed set of 2-16kg Long cycle at 6 reps per min.
10 min rest.
4 min. timed set 2-16kg long cycle at 6 reps per min.
4 min. timed set 2-16kg long cycle 4 reps per min.
Aug 19th.
WO du jour:
warm up with stretch bands, joint mobility and Indian clubs.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Aug 13th.