Tuesday, November 17, 2009

the word for today is kettlebell

Nov. 17th.

Today's training:

warm up: Indian clubs, stretch bands, OL stick joint mobility.
Dumbell squat cleans starting with 10lbs to 45lbs in sets of 5 reps.

Barbell deadlifts; 135 to 300lbs sets of 3 (sumo style) 15 total sets.
One arm Kettlebell long cycle: 16kg 6 sets, 1/1/1 work, work, rest
20kg 6 sets of 1/1/1 all at 6 reps per min.

Good training session. the long cycle was easy as I wanted to concentrate on the speed of the jerk instead of trying to get more reps per min. My speed and the drive overhead need some quality speed that is consistent.

I goggle the word "kettlebell" get some days as many as 50. This is a expected trend that is growing rapidly in regards to volume, but we can all see that there is not the quality. Some people must take a 2 hour workshop and then go back home and start training others with limited skill sets. It takes along time be be proficient at a physical sport let alone coach someone else. So every day you see some guy or gal show you a brief multi lift workout that burns fat like bacon in a fry pan......so they say. Pure bullshit on toast and just another reason that personal training is becoming a waning profession.

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