Tuesday, December 08, 2009

you never have enough rope

Dec. 8th. Tues.

You never have enough rope

Training sessions:

morning: 2 mile walk

Crossfit "Cindy" plus

5 pull ups (90 pull ups)

10 ring push ups (180 push ups)

15 jumping squats. (270 squats)

18: 48 or 18 sets Note I was going for 20 min. but got a cramp in my pecks so I stopped.

Battling Ropes: 6 mins using 1.5" rope at one arm at a time.


Kettlebell snatch 16kg 8 mins. @ 16reps per min.(2 mins. on 1 min rest)

I had a 20' length of 1.5" to try at a higher rate of oscillation than the 2". My 50 set from Punch Gym should come soon so my crew can try more techniques. The smaller rope does move a lot faster and you also fatigue a lot faster also, therefore we should get better results. Also I like the idea that you can cool down as well as warm up from a hard session using Kettlebells.

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