Friday, November 13, 2009

There are no secrets in sport for perfection.


today's training:
Warm up: joint mobility and Indian clubs

100 box step ups on 20" box with 40 lbs Xvest: 7 min. and a lot of fun.

50-40-30-20-10 reps (150 reps)
2-12kg kettlebells push jerk
pronated grip jumping pull ups

21 min. ( note the pull ups were added in a pronated close grip which is the reciprocal action of the push jerk at the completion of the lift. this was to improve my full extention.

There are no secrets when it comes to sports or athletic activities! Then why is it that the world class in their field are sought after as though they hold some secret method of training that makes them successful? World class athletic and masters of their sport are what they are, as they were born that way and they just knew how to make good on their genetic gifts.

Many years ago when studying martial arts in Korea, the Masters son gave a impromptu talk when one of the advanced students asked why the master did not tell them more of the secrets he held that made him so good. The master son laughed and said"there are no secrets" its just hard work and knowing how to prefect what you are given at birth. You did not have to come to this school to learn to fight if you knew how to be utilize what your body and mind was capable of. So when I would read that some martial art had some esoteric method that is a secret, I would just laugh and feel sorry for the people that swallow that bullshit.

In my many years of lifting weights, I have worked with world class and Olympic athletics and it all cases, they were just regular guys that did the similar workouts that the average participant would do, they they just made better use of their bodies to handle more weight. They could not even tell you why or what they do for training is better then the less successful.

Today's training:
3mile walk run in the park.

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