Monday, August 18, 2008

Hardwiring kettlebells

Aug 18th.

This is Valary Fedorenko, one of the best kettlebell coaches in the world performing a double bottoms up. It take a number of skill sets and thousands of reps to perform this lift.

"Nothing will work unless you do.
Maya Angelou

WO du jour:
joint mobility, stretch bands, jump rope.

1st. session: sets of 10 on the 1st 50 and 50 reps straight the second 50

100 abmats
100 pullups with light band.
100 box overhead Kettlebell squat with 8kg.
100 rope pulls with 2" battling ropes
100 squatting kettlebell swings( squatting swings are done with a swing into a squat.) great exercise.
100 burpee: yes I like to suffer. I felt my life passing before me on the last 50.
36: 10 most of time was for burpees and the pullups

Day 15 for burpees: I guess I jumped ahead, but then again I can't do 100 without stopping so its still a work in progress.
Second session:
seated GS press: 100 reps in sets of 10 with 20 kg.

"Hardwiring" of a technique I learned from shooting when it takes at least 2000 or more reps to be proficient with a technique or function. This is why I use 20-100 reps for exercise most of the time is to gain muscle endurance, but more over, kinetic sense for that exercise or technique. I guess it my slow learner way.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

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