Wednesday, August 13, 2008

commuting is getting greener.

Aug. 13th.

commuting in some countries takes on a new meaning.

"The idea is to die young as late as possible".
Ashley Montagu

WO du jour: No kettlebells today before they grow into my body. Rest day.

Bike ride in the morning; cool for august at 60 deg., but its OK. 18 miles at a good pace. legs felt great.

Day 10 for burpees

I was reading in the paper today that there is a big surge in bicycle use for commuting and the sales of scooters and motorcycles are up. That was the green thing all along, but now with the fuel costing more than beer, people have to find a cheaper way. Maybe with saving the environment, we can solve the obesity problem as well.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

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