Sunday, August 31, 2008

big kettlebells

Sept 1st.

That's what I call a kettlebell!

what no mirrors or treadmills?

"I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship.
-Louisa May Allcott

WO du jour:
warm up: Bands, form roller, and joint mobility.
50 special burpees.....punch heavy bag, down on fist for pushup, jump back up and start over.
25 pullups:
1-kettlebell thruster; 16, 20,24,28kg 5 reps each side.
Kettlebell "grace" 2-28 kg clean and jerk. Dead stop clean and jerk. harder than a barbell due to the swing before the clean.
32kg press 3sets of 5 reps.
barbell floor extension 3 sets of 5 95#
My largest Kettlebell has always been 2-40kg for I can do but a few movements such as cleans, swings, deadlifts and on occasion, a jerk or two with a 40kg. Now I know they make bigger and seen Kettlebells up to 135 lbs in a gym, but never thought of getting a larger one as they would sit mainly on the floor collecting chalk powder. However, recently, I saw a Russian lifter of an advanced age lifting a very large kettlebell so if I ever get an opportunity to acquire larger size as long as it has a GS handle, mainly because I have small hands for thoes thick handle of crude models, I will consider such a increase in mass. Lately I have been able to work with heaver kettebells with improved technique so a 50 or 60 kg kettlebell would be a reasonable addition to my collection.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

summer is shot in the ass.

Aug. 31

I am going to miss the summer as always. God its so short and sweet!

" The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress."

Charles Kettering

WO du jour:
warm up: bands, foam roller. and light kettlebells.
set gym Boss to 2 min work and 1 min rest.
2-14Kg kettlebells for long cycle GS.

7 sessions; God this is not that much fun until you have at least 5 min into it. shoulders are numb and arms feel like leaded extensions of body. God, this is great!

20 mile bike ride on Sunday route right after the GS session. long set of hills on the 1st 10 miles, then a 10 mile rolling return. Did not feel bad after the GS session.

28 burpees today: ldid you forget???

Last day of summer as far as I can see. Sept. starts fall regardless of weather. Weather wise it any one's guess as to what going to happen, however, I will have to alter the time when I bike and exercise outside as the ambient temp. changes. I am not saying its a bad thing, you have to make some changes in regards to warm up, comfortable level and the cloths you wear. Other than that I will continue to workout outside unless the snow gets too deep.

Enjoy a great day of suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Aug. 30

This is what it is going to look like when the hurricane hits New Orleans. Well lets see if they pay attention and leave when they are told this time. Its time to get out of dodge.

I'll put you through hell, but at the end of it all we'll be champions.
Bear Bryant
WO du jour:

warmup bands, and 2000 meters rowing.

TGU 5x16kg.

ab roller 5x10 reps

20 pullups

4 sets of the following couplet

Barbell Power snatch 80#


swing 32kg.

Aug 27th

When will the madness end?

"The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always asked to do things, and you are not yet decrepit enough to turn them down.
-TS (Thomas Stearns) Eliot

WO du jour: Rest day

warm up: 100 situps and pushups. Joint mobility and foam roller.complete stretch band session of squats, pushup, pullups, abs using heavy stretch band. No weights

Fear is like a brake.

Aug 27th.

"Fear is the passion of slaves

Patrick Henry

WO du jour:
warm up: joint mobility, stretch bands, 100 situps, 100 pushups, 50 frog squats, 50 one leg squats off box.
5x3 reps weighted pullups
5x40 H2H swings with 16 kg kettlebell.

First session:
3 set couplet in continuous movement 10 sets of 10 reps with little rest as possible.
2-16kg. see/saw press
2-16 kg snatch
2-16 kg long cycle clean.
300 reps total.( what? a 2 hr workout in 20 min...must be a small box gym)
18:14 time. surprising the most fatiguing part of the routine was the clean. using twin kettlebell ramps up the intensity more than double on the body as a total burden.

second session:
18 mile bike ride.

Yes they are back and let the cold war games begin!
All this new posturing of the Russian adventurists is to enlist the Russian people to call to arms, to a treat by western cultures that freedom can be had by even the weak.

My personal philosophy is that fear as an emotion will can kill you if you allow it to stagnate your response to a threat or emotional challenge.
Like the Nike slogan, "Just do it".

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

sport can get too serious

Aug. 26th.

Some countries take Olympic metals winning seriously.

"Sports do not build character. They reveal it.
Heywood Bro

WO du jour:
warm up with bands and joint mobility. As I add techniques the time gets a little longer but the workout are much better and less pain.

100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats.
23 burpees today

18 mile bike ride with MT bike. I have to get back to riding this bike when I go down south on vacation, which I will be taking.

Later in day did snatch session of 2 min work one min. rest with 20 kg.

Have a good day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ed Zecher is not forgotten

Aug 25th.
This is a picture of Cuba's Angel Matos who is shown kicking a referee after being disqualified in a Tae Kwon do match at this years Olympic games. This thug is now banded from ever competing along with his coach. They should have sent him to jail as well for assult. Tae kwon do is one of the sports that may be elimated and this incident does not help.

"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.
Arnold H. Glasow

WO du jour:
warmup: bands and joint mobility for 30 mins. Added some leg adduction abduction movements.
2x50 situps
2x50 pushups
2x50 air squats
2x50 box jumps on 18" box.
21 burpees today
morning session:
10 sets of 10 reps sand bag Zecher squats.
10 sets of 10 long cycle clean with 20 kg kettlebell.

Getting ready for sand bag clean

Cleaning the 70# sand bag.

Zecher squat of sand bag is a lot easier then with the barbells, however, I need a heavier bag.

Afternoon session: 5-2 min work sets of GS seated Kettlebell press. approx 120 reps.

Zecher squats are named after Ed Zecher who was a lifter back in the 50s who did a lot of strong man type exercise as well as creative lifts.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Keep the rubber side down.


Who ever said the bicycling is not a contact sport?

"We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.

R. D. Laing

WO du jour:
22 mile bike ride and very hilly route. Good way to trash your legs.
21 burpees today.
Have a nice days suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Kettlebells CNS training.

Aug 23rd

Almost forgot preseason football.

"Television is a medium because anything well done is rare.
Fred Allen
WO du jour:
warmup with bands joint mobility, heavy bag.
100 reps of gunslinger swings.
20 burpees today:
8x3 reps of kettlebells for speed and CNS training. Only 30 sec or less rest between sets.

double kettlebell box squats with 24kg.

double kettlebell snatch with 20 kg

one 16 kg pullups.

double kettlebell clean and press. 24kg.

double kettlebell regagade row with 36kg.

later: 18 mile bike ride.

Have a great day suffering and remember this mission is sacred.

Friday, August 22, 2008

If you are fast you may last.

Aug 22nd.

The USA track team did not fare well in the track sprint events this Olympic games, in china. Maybe there was too many distractions.

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. Mark Twain

WO du jour:

warmup: Lots of bands and joint mobility
Put the X-vest on with 25lbs for the following exercises.
100 situps
100 rope pulls.
100 ring pushups
100 overhead squats with small KB
20 pullups; stopped when biceps got twiqued.
Second session:
4-3 min long cycle sets with 20 kg. kettlebells.
that got my attention.

19 burpees today

Yes, it was a big let down for the American sprinters at this summer Olympics. Well, they hardly have lost a metal since the modern OL games has started, so its a big thing, to have our best sprinters male and female loose or have poor performance.
The running sprints on the track is not that complicated nor require loads of prep time to perform, if you have the genetics with lots of strong type IIB muscle fibers. Since the 100 yard sprint last less than 10 sec and the 200, 20 sec. and so on, it don't take a lot of training time. However, the mental preparation,max speed training and form is about the only things to improve your place at the finish string. Yes, I can remember when strings were used as the finish line.
Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

every thing can be a fitness tool.

Aug 21st.

Zach, test driving a flipping tire. "sir, can I have another"

The wish to hurt, the momentary intoxication with pain, is the loophole through which the pervert climbs into the minds of ordinary men.
-Jacob Bronowski

WO du jour: Rest day: out for a 20 mile bike ride. 70deg , sunny morning. Life is good!
18 burpees today

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Get off the threadmill, its not telling you the truth.

Aug 20Th.

Very rare picture of Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn had a handicap if she wanted to be proficient at archery for lack of full drawing ability.

"There is nothing which we receive with so much reluctance as advice.
-Joseph Addison

WO du jour:
Warmup: Foam roller, bands, joint mobility. "battling ropes", and 100 situps
10 sets of each continuous.
Reg BB deadlift: 135-400 lbs for reps of 2.
1 arm 2" fat bar sets of two
weighted pullups sets of 3 with 25 lbs.
KB full cleans 40 kg. set of 2.
Day 21 for burpees.

I was looking at a news video on the confusion of how many calories you expend on any one of the cardio machines that has a electronic totalizator. Do you realize that there is a big difference in values from one machine to another and from one gym to the other. NO SHIT! Some people actually put stock in the values they see as they train, while others are too busy watching ESPN.

I have seen,as a trainer, club members jump on a treadmill day after day for months and never loose a lb nor little improvement in there cardiac capacity. Why? They are not training using a personal heart rate monitor based on their age and current capacity, which is the good way to monitor exercise efficiency. Calories burned is junk science and should be based on body composition measurements or exercise intensity.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Monday, August 18, 2008

stretch bands to the rescue

Aug 19Th.

Stretch bands and springs have been used by resistance trainers for almost a 100 years. This is one of the early pictures of a training manual.

"Avoiding the phrase “I don’t have time...”, will soon help you to realize that you do have the time needed for just about anything you choose to accomplish in life. "
-Bo Bennett,

WO du jour:
warm up with foam roller, bands, and joint mobility.
set timer for 2 min work, 1 min. rest for GS snatch:
7 sets of 16kg. snatch approx. 320 reps

I have always used stretch bands or spring set since I was in high school. In the last 10 years they have been promoted more for functional improvement as well as adding some resistance component to aerobics classes. When you don't have time, traveling on vacation, or you can't get to the gym, stretch bands are a quick substitute. However, the best function of bands is the warm up, as they can be use for all the articulation of any muscle group.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Hardwiring kettlebells

Aug 18th.

This is Valary Fedorenko, one of the best kettlebell coaches in the world performing a double bottoms up. It take a number of skill sets and thousands of reps to perform this lift.

"Nothing will work unless you do.
Maya Angelou

WO du jour:
joint mobility, stretch bands, jump rope.

1st. session: sets of 10 on the 1st 50 and 50 reps straight the second 50

100 abmats
100 pullups with light band.
100 box overhead Kettlebell squat with 8kg.
100 rope pulls with 2" battling ropes
100 squatting kettlebell swings( squatting swings are done with a swing into a squat.) great exercise.
100 burpee: yes I like to suffer. I felt my life passing before me on the last 50.
36: 10 most of time was for burpees and the pullups

Day 15 for burpees: I guess I jumped ahead, but then again I can't do 100 without stopping so its still a work in progress.
Second session:
seated GS press: 100 reps in sets of 10 with 20 kg.

"Hardwiring" of a technique I learned from shooting when it takes at least 2000 or more reps to be proficient with a technique or function. This is why I use 20-100 reps for exercise most of the time is to gain muscle endurance, but more over, kinetic sense for that exercise or technique. I guess it my slow learner way.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Stay out side until the snow flys.

Aug. 16th.

Even FedEX is trying to beat the high cost of gas.

"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
Saint Augustine

WO du jour:
30 Mile bike ride in the morning. Good steady pace no stopping.

I just got a note from the Spin organization I belong to and they were lamenting on the low attendance in the summer months and how to keep them inside. Why in gods name would want to cycle inside a gym and be surround by a bunch of swat hogs, when you can be out side enjoying nature and getting clean fresh air.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Friday, August 15, 2008

comfort tools.

Aug. 15th.

This lady is being busted for double parking.

" Humor is just another defense against the universe. "
Mel Brooks

WO du jour:
warm up. 100 abmats, 100 pushups, 50 pullups. (pullups done in sets of 10) lots of bands exercises.
5times 500 meters rowing.
kettlebell windmill and bent press pratice
Overheade squatting with kettlebell.
heavy bag kicking, knees, elbows and hand pratice.

second session:
20 min session: continuous movement except to change hands with 20 kg 5L/5R
H2H swings
high pulls
clean and jerk.
very hard session!
12 burpees today.

There are a few items that make the training go a little more comfortable:
Wrist wraps: can be boxing wraps or ace for keeping the kettlebell from moving on the back of the hand and when it did not land smoothly.
chalk: for sweaty hands, I personally need just a little, other bath in the stuff.
tape: 2" tape for hands when perform rep in the 100 plus range or GS training.
Weight belt: Once again, this is only need for high rep GS work or very have max attempt lifting. Make it a thick body building style leather belt.
timers: at least two types, a GymBoss or two and a count down timer. It keep everything honest.
Professional jump rope: for warming up.
Stretch bands or Lifeline bands: great warm up tools.
Abmat: if you are going to do a lot of situps, you should use this to save back.
Heart rate monitor: to monitor body response to training, especially for interval work sessions.
lifting straps: for heavy deadlifts and farmer walk training. Get good ones as they are not used that often.
Painters cotton gloves: cut the finger out and use for Kettlebell lifting if you have torn callous
Small bottle of bleach: if expose to others blood products.
Long socks: for doing deadlifts.
Small towels: to wipe up sweat.
wire brush: to clean off caked on chalk on bars and kettlebells.
Knee pads: for when doing a lot of TGU's and it will also keep knee warm for squats.
Chemical Ice packs: First aid for injury.
Journal: Keeping track of training as it is completed or making notes of things to remember.
Water bottles: quality, large open month water bottles to bring water in with your own taste. Less plastic for the landfill.
gym bag: I use a backpack because it has lots of compartments.
Wrestling shoes: for general training.
weightlifting shoes: for OL lifting and GS training. hard sole and good support.
Track running flats: for running sprints and any type of running crossfit type training.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

getting use to sandbags.

Aug 14.

A victim of a deadly water pistol fight.

"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
E. B. White

WO du jour:
warmup: 100 abmats, bands and joint mobility. TGU light weight
6 sets
55 jump ropes
10 ring rows.
sandbag clean and front squat. 5,6,7,8,9,10
10 reps large wheel ab roller.
burpee-pullup combo. 5,6,7,8,9,10

Day 11 for burpees 11 burpees please.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

commuting is getting greener.

Aug. 13th.

commuting in some countries takes on a new meaning.

"The idea is to die young as late as possible".
Ashley Montagu

WO du jour: No kettlebells today before they grow into my body. Rest day.

Bike ride in the morning; cool for august at 60 deg., but its OK. 18 miles at a good pace. legs felt great.

Day 10 for burpees

I was reading in the paper today that there is a big surge in bicycle use for commuting and the sales of scooters and motorcycles are up. That was the green thing all along, but now with the fuel costing more than beer, people have to find a cheaper way. Maybe with saving the environment, we can solve the obesity problem as well.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

do as I say not as I do NOT


You may think you are on top, but you my not be in control

"Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without.
James C. Dobson

WO du jour:
warm up: bands and joint mobility.
6 sets
50 jump ropes
10 burpiees
5-10 pronated pullups
10 elevated ring pushups

then 2min work and 1 min rest for Kettlebell overhead squat for 3 sets. One arm with 8kg to start. Its not heavy but with the squats and holding the weight overhead makes you break out in a real heavy sweat. between 120 to 140 reps.

Day 9 for burpees 9 reps. ( did and extra 60 reps in the warm up)

afternoon session at friends gym.

7- 2min work intervals and 1 min. rest for kettlebell GS snatches. Approx. 300 reps.

There has been a lot of news lately about a potential presidential candidate running that was caught cheating on this wife. Well that not a big deal except between that guy and his wife, however, what is hypocritical, is the way he denied that charge until it came out in the media(thank god for the Enquirer to get the dirt on everyone one, and not on one side of the political fence ). He also when running for president, made promises of his platform of honesty, fidelity and morals. I guess, all the values are for everyone else and not presidential candidates.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Kettlebells don't do everything, but comes close.

Aug 11th.

Kettlebells are the answer for a minimalist.

" Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man; but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also. Marcus Aurelius

WO du jour:

Morning session
Warmup: Bands, and joint mobility, 4 sets of the SEAL protocol.

Barbell deadlift :warm up sets then 5 sets of 3 with 360 lbs.
10 sets of weighted pullups with 20 lbs.
1000 meter on rower.

Afternoon session:
day 8 for burpees 8 burpees

Kettlebell long cycle. set gymboss to 2min work and 1min rest.
2-16kg for 6 sets

have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Old style training; kettlebells, sandbags ,heavy weights, etc.

Aug. 10Th.

a simple looking bottoms up kettlebell sure beats wrist curls sitting on your fat ass.

"Complexity creates a maze between you and success. Simplicity ensures a clear line of sight.
-Lee J. Colan

WO du jour: easy day
20 mile bike ride and coffee stop on a fine Sunday morning. no traffic...everyone sleeping in?

Day 7 for burpees: 7 burpees in one set.

When I was studying for my trainers certification, most of the material, techniques, and modalities were based on isolation and machine induced exercise. Yes, power cleans and snatches were only discussed as a part of Olympic sport and not part of a global resistance and strength training. Even when I took the "practical" test, a conflict in terms, I had to demonstrate how to do abductor and quad,exercises on a machine I would be showing a trainee or client. It did not matter that I had well developed quadriceps and Biceps femoris from heavy 600 lbs. power squats and deadlifts, showing some poor smuck how to do a leg curl sitting on his or her ass on a bench and leg extension was the order of the day. Having been to college in prior life, you do what is necessary to achieve the level of knowledge that the instructor wants you to have in his or her image. But then again higher eduction has noting to do with expanding your personal ideals, but being part of a political correct crowd of sheep. That's why they call it a "sheep's skin" when you get your diploma

All that being said, I had no intention of training some client or trainee on some ineffective method just because it is now the trend or in some "fitness and fancy" journal. How I viewed all this training stuff for my personal use was to study all the major authors of strength all over the world and what was done prior to WWII before steroids or when special supplements came on the market. I asked myself, how did the strong men and women of that era prior to the war, get strong and build great bodies. bottom line, it was real simple exercise and basic equipment that all could afford to have or use. No need for a 500-1000$ a year gym fee, to use machines that can be done more effective with a Olympic barbell set, some dumbells and kettlebells.

This is why I have adopted kettlebells, barbells, dumbells, ropes, chains, sandbags, hammers, stones,tires, or any kind of resistance tool that will yield strength, speed, endurance, feeling good and lastly looking the part. Its all too simple basic to be true.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Get outside and train green.

Aug. 9th.

"Big box" fitness for Metcon

"no box" fitness for who is going to be fitter and has more fun?

"I think that, generally, you need to live with your sport 24 hours a day.
Sergei Bubka

WO du jour: bands and joint mobility for 20 min. then 4 sets of 10 chin ups,30 pushups,40 situps, 50 squats.

set Gymboss timer to 30sec. work,30sec rest for GS snatches.
30 sets in 30 min. 16kg snatch with 12 reps average on each 30 sec. for a total of 360 reps.
Day 6 with 6 burpees.
concentrated on maintaining same speed and full extension of kettlebell, instead of the "hail Hitler" snatch with hand in front of head.

15 mile bike ride to stretch out legs after the snatches. Is that too much....NFW

I was riding my bike the other day and passed a small local town park on a great summer morning ,that was warm and clear. The park has two small lakes, and a paved path around the parameter for about a mile and haft. Its a great park to bike, run or walk off some lbs. You often see groups of people walking together for socialization. Now on the other side of the park is a small shopping center with a "big box gym" with members in the window on treadmills or elliptical machines running their little asses off. I can't understand why on such a nice day, with all the fresh air, you would want to be inside, listening to suck ass music, jogging on a machine, when you can be outside doing your thing; above all cost you nothing! I should have stopped and gone inside and told everyone to get outside on such a nice day! Its just a small part of the greening of America.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

10 min of Kettlebells snatches, and now 100 burpies

Aug. 7th.

Jets have a new leader on the field;more to come.

"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious. Vince Lombardi

WO du jour:

20 mile ride on bike trail. 10 mile easy spin and 10 miles 20-25 MPH pace. Legs really pumped.

Day 4 burpees-4

100 Day Burpee Challenge Details of this program..(you can buy in at anytime)
100 Day Burpee Challenge. Beginning Monday, Aug 4th, we are going to do one burpee on day one and add one each day until we get to 100 burpees on the 100th day!
The Rules:
1. Use burpee standards for form with full pushup
2. You can complete each day's burpees all at once, or broken up and done at different times throughout the day
3. If for some reason you miss a day, you must make up all the missed burpees the following day
4. If you don't start the challenge with us today, you can "buy-in" at any time by doing ALL the missed day's burpees on your first day
5. Any burpees you complete during your regular workout can count towards that day’s Challenge burpees, if you want them to
6. Have fun doing burpees and getting stronger doing it!
Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

experts abound but lack the real deal.

Aug 6 th.

It's all fleeting. As fame is fleeting, so are all the trappings of fame fleeting. The money, the clothes, the furniture.
-Johnny Cash

WO du jour:

Warm up: joint mobility and bands. 10 chin ups, 20 ring pushups, 30 abmats, 40 squats for 5 sets.

21,18,15,12,9 reps of each exercise for time.
Kettlebell deadlift: 2-28 kg.
Kettlebell hang clean 2-24kg
Kettlebell front squat: 2-16 kg.
Kettlebell push press: 2-16kg.

21:34 no stopping but it was not fast as it was very humid.

The newspapers always have "their" experts mostly not the best in their field to give commentary, however, it never fails to have the media appointed "expert" speaks for that field for all to see. The other day, my local newspaper expert, gave his view on Olympic weight lifting competition taking place in China next week. Now for personal knowledge, this individual never did any Olympic style lifting to be a spoke person for OL lifting, as to what is going to happen next week. It is really not surprising as this probably happens to all sports and activities as the media is there to sell papers, book and videos and not to educate.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

hang in thing will come together.

Aug 5th.

The warriors of the 300 did not back down and give up.

"Hang in there. Hang in there because the greatest quarterbacks complete only six of 10 passes. The best basketball players make only 50% of their shots. The top oil companies, with all their geologists, drill 10 dry holes for every wet one. And even the most successful actors flunk 29 auditions for television commercials before they land one. So, HANG IN THERE.
WO du jour:
bands warm up and joint mobility for a bicycle ride.
25 mile ride in the morning. steady pace; not for training especially as the training yesterday left legs a little over used.

fitness is a life long continuous effort that has no ending the minute you start your quest to have an optimal lifestyle. If you are involved in a fitness program, and you have made some progress in loosing body fat and feeling good, its only the beginning not an end of the process. What happens more often progress stops or slows with other issues in your life take priority. Slowly your fitness program collects dust. Its just a matter of perseverance for the long term, to get over the obstacles that come and go.
Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Take the fat ones out of the picture.

Aug. 4Th.

The great Steve Reeves using kettlebells.

Ours is the age of substitutes: instead of language, we have jargon: instead of principles, slogans: and, instead of genuine ideas, bright ideas.
-Eric Bently

WO du jour: good warm up, for shoulders and hips due to stiffness. Took a haft hour to become mobil.

timed session with no rest between sets except to change weights. 10,8,6,4,2, reps on ft. squats, swings, and trusters. On situps, pullups and burpees, the reps are 10,15,20,25,30. The weigh is increased as the reps go down in numbers.
Barbell front squat: 85,95,105,115,125lbs.
swing: 20kg.24,28,32,36 kg.
thruster kettlebell, 14,16,20,24,28
situps with 16#shot
pullups with bands support after 10 reps.
burpees with pushup.
21:32 the burpees take the longest, they are not fun in any thing above 10 reps.

One of my kids was telling me the other day that their police department selects only the fit-looking officers for special details when they could have their picture taken or viewed by large public gatherings. So if you tend to be over weight you are not always selected. The image of police, fire or any emergency organization has to be one of professional image, which means that at least you have to look the part even if you are not the best, so the public will have confidence in the organization.
This smacks of discrimination, but with the obesity problem we have in this country its time to be politically incorrect for awhile on this trend. When I was growing up, if you were fat or overweight, you were the object of ridicule or discrimination. If your were fat, you were the last to be picked for a team or activity. "Oh, I will take he fat kid on my side" like you are doing everyone a favor by showing you could handle a handicap. 66% of our country is over weight and 30 % is clinically obese so its time to take unfavorable actions to get people back in shape.

Kettlebell quickie


They are all armed and dangerous

" Life is not a having and a getting, but a being and a becoming. "
-Matthew Arnold

WO du jour:

Warm up: Bands and joint mobility. 10 pullups, 25 elevated pushups, 30 abmats with bands, 30 golbet squats.

Kettlebell quickie: 2 kettlebells,4 movements done 3 times.

deadlift, swing, snatch and press.
2-14 kg.x5 rep
2-16 kg. x 3reps
2-20 kg x3 rep
2-24 kg x2 reps x 5 sets

20 mile bike ride: hilly route but it was a cool morning plus new tunes for my MP-3 player, made for a great ride.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.