Monday, June 02, 2008

No Kettlebells, but still evil.


"I shall not die of a cold. I shall die from having lived"

Willa Cather

WO du jour:

Skills inprovement/ warmup: Jump rope double unders and running; pullups, ab roller is all both arms and legs, box jumping.

"3 bars of Death": DL at 1.5x BW, Bench at BW, power clean at .75 BW.

Reps of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

Deadlift:85% of standard
Bench 85% of standard.
Power clean: 90% of standard.

Time: 21:4

Great session, an improvement from last month when I did 75% of standard. I think the next time I should be at or close to standard.
Heavy bag session in afternoon.
Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

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