Monday, June 30, 2008

I brake for jerks.

June: 30Th.

"If there is something to pardon, then there is something to condemn."
Friedrich Nietzsche

WO du jour:

warm up for bike ride. bands, foam roller, 100 sit ups

10 min. 14kg kettlebell press and snatch without setting down the kettlebell.

15 mile bike ride: some asshole who did not look after pulling out of his driveway, caused me to stop on a dime, to avoid hitting his side door. I did not get upset as there is no point in getting angry for noting. Jerks will be jerks and that is life. I now know where he slitter out of his hole. anyway its all part of bicycling on the roads and its potential dangers, and that is why you have to PAY ATTENTION!

Later in the day: 100 snatches with the 24kg kettlebell.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

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