Wednesday, June 18, 2008

maybe small box gym is the answer.

June 18th.

"There is no secret to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure. "
Colin Powell.

WO du jour:

18 mile bike ride. Temps were a cool 58. must be that global warming again rearing its ugly head. Well I can't complain. the poor people in the mid west that got rained on like never before, we will never know their pain.

15 min of continuous kettlebell lifts without setting down the kettlebell.

There is a change forth coming as a result of the oil situation and its global impact on our life style. We all tend to look at it from a cost, which is high but that does not take into account the resulting change in the way we live in general.

We will never see cheap energy again, that's a fact of life now. Therefore we have to make changes if we want to live our lives in some semblance of comfort and effectiveness, we must adopt a new life plan.

In regard to being fit, normally we go to a gym or spa to get a workout. The spa or fitness center will have to increase his fees as its cost will increase. And to get to the facility you use to train in, It will cost you much more to travel, therefore the distance you live from the gym will eventually have to be considered as with all travel.
If you have to travel more than 20 miles to and from the gym, it going to cost you 5 dollars a trip. So if your gym fee is 30 dollars a month or a dollar a day, and you go 5 times a week to travel to the place where you train, then it going to cost you 30+25 per week travel, therefore its a 130 dollars a month or 1500 dollars a year to train.

In the future, its going to be a prime consideration as well as the facility, as to where you will train based on how far away you must travel and the total cost of that activity.

I have a solution for some and that is set up a home training area, because you are not getting 1500 dollars worth of effective training in most cases anyway at your local "big box".

Go small box! If you have limited disposal income, then start slowly and obtain what you need based on the following plan. You don't to get everything your gyms has, it is not all necessary for building strength and fitness.

1. clean up an area in you cellar, pouch, garage, or room in house. If you live in a southern climate then you can set up an outside covered area.

2. Depending on your fitness goals, you can acquire needed equipment slowly by going to the papers, want ads, Craig list for used equipment, especially weights as they don't wear.

3. slowly start with installing pull up bars, dip bars, and make some wooden boxes. So now you can do some pull ups and plyo and box jumping at home. Get a good jump rope. If you like to box then get a heavy bag. Learn all the body weight exercises you can.

4. Get a set of Olympic weights with rubber plates. It will cost less than a 6 months gym fee and will last a life time. I have had mine for over 30 years. Lean the basic compound weight exercises to add with your body weight exercises.

5. learn how to run or walk. Just get out the door and do it. It cost nothing except a pair of good shoes. If you like to bike, then get of good mountain bike you can go any were with regardless of roads or conditions.

6. Get some Kettlebells of a few sizes and lean to do the basic compound lifts the Russians. To add to that you can make up some sand bags, for some odd lifting.

7. get a copy of the Crossfit journal and lean all the basic fitness techniques that you will not lean in a big box gym running on a treadmill.

8. Make it a habit to set aside time each day or several times a day with short session of various session. keep a log of your session and list your accomplishments in regards to weight, times and body changes.

9. form a some workout group in you neighborhood.

10. the ideas are endless to keep fit without leaving your home. However, every so often find a place like a park, trail or event to go to show off what you have accomplished.

Think outside the "box"

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

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