Wednesday, February 13, 2008

waging war on the streets of America.

Feb.13th. wed.

" It is well the war is so terrible, otherwise we would grow fond of it all."

Robert e. Lee.

WOD "Randy" LAPD SWAT operator killed in the line of duty Feb 6th 2006

for time 75 reps power snatch with 75 lbs.

7:56 min. (5625 lbs total)
did the first 40 reps without dropping the weight. I could have done it faster like my kettlebells but I want to get that full extention over head for joint mobility. It was not the muscle failure, it was cardio at rep 40. Muscle stamina is great from all the kettlebell work.

That reminds me of a book I just reviewed that I got for X-Mas on SWAT training. The book is SWAT fitness, by Matt Brzycki & Stuart Meyers. Don't get me wrong, the book is very complete in regards to covering all aspects of fitness for anyone really. Its a little to heavy on the good old big box gym, bodybuilding, strength training. That in its self is OK but most departments don't have a complete body building gym and all the machines to have the officers train in. We all now that bodybuilding also is take more time and is too segmented. OL lifts are not use as well, espeically for authors who have a solid strength backgrounds. The up side is that joint mobility and stretching is covered in detail for injury prevention, but not enought of the training is on the functional type, like using X-vests and functional items, like tires, sand bags, kettlebells exercising in full gear, etc. One of the exercises I would like to have SWAT do,is Parkour. This would be a excellent exercise for the type of acitvites what a SWAT operator would be confronted with, maybe not at the level of french street kids, some of the continous running and obstacle trasversing.

Put new tires on my old standby bike, and hit the roller for 3o min.

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