Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Kettlebells means less things more.

Feb. 11th. Monday.

" Have no fear of perfection, as you will never reach it.

S. Dali.

WOD speed Deadlifting or a little westside.

Deadlift 245# 2 reps 10 sets as fast as you can get your ass in gear.

Later in the day : Kettlebell swing pratice. 14kg 630 reps. in 2 min segments.

One hour and bike rollers: Need new tires sometime soon as I am down to the threads.

For awhile I will try to focus on the Kettlebell swing and snatch movements to become more fluid and relaxed when not under tention. I also would like to experiment on some breathing techinques also to improve the performance of those lifts.

I counted the number of swings and average them to 48-52 rep per min regardless of speed or weight. therefore you can't really swing fast or slow by effort to get more or less reps. High reps, lets say 100 or more starts to hit the lower back and hamstrings, however most people stop before they get to this level of endurance. Going for 5 minutes really makes you understand what parts of the body is effected by this lift. Grip and lower back become limiting factors, when it should be the cardio.
Now when using the Crossfit style of swing that places the bell overhead, the speed and loading will be different as there is a lag at the top, and can even be held there like the snatch. At this point I will try to concentrate on the russian version, which maintains a continous motion.

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