Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pressing issue

Dec 15th.

" a gym with out chalk is a spa"


1000 meter rowing warmup

Press 1,1,1,1,1,1

push press3,3,3,3,3

push jerk 5,5,5,5,5

Used 80lbs for building technique.

One arm DB press 70lbs for single reps

25 min.

I was thinking at the number of press variations there are so I decide to list them so I can use them during the year.

  • Land mine press: done with a special hinge to facilitate a OL bar on an angle.

  • DB single arm press: Basic strength if done standing. Pack it on to the max

  • KB single arm press: basic strength exercise but should be done with cleaning first.

  • DB seated press: only if done on floor so abs are engaged. On bench forget it!

  • Press behind neck: this is a difficult if shoulder flexibility is an issue. How it places the bar in the correct overhead position at top.

  • Bradford press: that's a tough BB press in front and rear of neck. Hardly ever see it anymore. too bad it great for flexibility.

  • see-saw or alternate press with KB or dumbells: shoulder friendly pressing one at a time with more extension then done with two together.

  • Bench press: test of stength for upper body. If you are going to do this lift don't be a mullet and put your legs up.

  • single arm DB bench press: a supported press on one side. Will overload pecks and shoulders.

  • Decline press: you can do more that the flat bench but who cares.

  • Push pressing: BB,DB,KB for a quick jerk up. add more weight to press.

  • Push Jerk: can be done with clean or from rack. Performed with more lower body and a heel slam.

  • Wide grip pressing: more pec involvement and shoulder but has to be done with more care.

  • Incline bench press: 60 degree angle.

  • Handstand press: gone out of favor but it was used long ago by all the old strongmen like Paul Anderson.

  • Bent press: old time strong man press done with BB,DB,KB. great core developer.

  • Side press: same a bent press but not as low.

  • Floor Press: can be done with KB,BB,DB. started as a bench press exercise assistant. Can use more than regular bench as it is a shorter range of motion.

  • Plank press: press from the side in the plank position. Great ab obliques.

  • Cuban press; Done with a BB in three section; high pull, snatch to overhead, and press out.This is a very difficult to do but great for flexibility.

  • TGU: you have to press the weight and hold until standing.

  • Crush KB press: holding the KB like a ball from floor to overhead. Grip exercise.

  • KB waiter's press: press in the open palm position.

  • Bottoms up KB press: done with the handle pointing up. Grip and balance exercise.

  • Sot's Press: can be done with BB,KB,DB. go to full squat and press from squat position. This is the most demanding press you can perform.

  • Fat bar pressing: add a grip element to BB and DB with larger than 1inch diameter . However KB all ready come "fat bar"

  • Military Press: done if straight upright form with feet close together. This was the press that was eliminated from Olympic competition in 1972(I was there to see the last official lift in York PA.)

Today spent some time on the Sots press form. Light Kettlebells pressed from the squat position. one arm allow you to torque to one side and even use the other hand on the floor for stability. Two hands require more shoulder flexibility. You don't have to stop at the squat and press in two separate motions, you can press and stand up at the same time until you develop the balance, flexibility and strength to press form the low position.


Kevin Swanwick said...


Thanks for all of the technical information, but more importantly, thanks for the focus on focus, rather than "all velocity, no direction", which is where I was was before starting the cross-fit program.

Kevin Swanwick

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