Saturday, December 08, 2007

Kettlebell, the new kid on the block?

Dec. 8th
"Good design can't fix a broken business model."
Jeff Veen

kettlebell and bands warm up.

2000 meters of C-2 rowing. 9:02
50 zercher squats with sand bag.

5 rounds for time
Bench press: 5 sets of 20 rep
pull ups 5 sets of 10 reps
15: 34 time
Had not done any bench pressing for a long time so I just used 150lbs instead of 185 lbs. for body weight. Only the last bench set was a little hard.

I have used sand bags in my training off and on for several years. It just one of the many functional tools at my disposal to make training interesting and bring me back to the real world. lifting sand bags is like nailing jelly to a wall, they can feel so uncooperative depending on the lift. Sand bags mirror the real world when lifting objects. How many times have people picked up a bag of lawn care products, dog food(big dog kind),cement, sand for home use. Even though it was only 25-50lbs, it felt like double that. Why?because it is off center just like most of or lives.
So when you perform lifts with a kettlebell or sand bag the center of gravity is constantly moving make you adopt to a ever changing load distribution. I have not seen a machine yet that can do that!
Like everything else you can purchase sand bags from vendors, but its not necessary as you can make your own with basic materials such as a duffel or gym bag. The store bought ones are a little more durable, but if you don't throw them around, your home made ones will do well. Try doing a few sets of burbies and see what I talking, however keep the pail near.
I was reading in today's paper that made some suggestions as to Christmas gift ideas. One of them was kettlebell and DVD instructions. This package is being marketed by GoFit who is a large supplier of fitness products that sells in stores like Dicks and Models to the home fitness market. The good news it validates the Kettlebells as a significant up and coming fitness tool and it will hopefully be a regular fixture in every gym.
Most think it some new device but for the rest of us they are just starting to train.

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