"live life as though you will die tomorrow; learn like you will live forever. "
Jump rope warm up, Kettlebell swings and fig 8
4 rounds for time.
200 meter sprint
10 KB snatchs with each hand with 24Kg.
20 KTE
20 pushups
20 wall balls
My fitness goals for 2008(it is a work in process)
1. avoid negative people or there are Grinch's year round;
I see a few sometimes, but this year they will not be in my face any longer that it take for me to exit or them. they will suck the life out of your enthusiasm. Make them disappear quickly without going to jail...No, don't go to jail, there are no kettlebells like in the Russian prisons have.
2. Eat a diet consistent with my physical needs each day.
It not to say I eat that bad, it just now that I have been training differently in the last year, my diet needs to be adjusted for fine tuning performance. Diets are like for the most part are just a temporary function instead of a long term life change. The goal is to reduce body fat level down to around 4-6% which is a stretch goal. What! I have to eat less. Boy this is not going to be easy.
3. Be accountable for each goals
keep up my training journal and blog as a way of constantly evaluating progress. So far its been OK but I don't evaluate or look back enough. Picking deadline is a must. Plan sessions at least a week at a time. If I don't make it I will beat myself around the head and shoulders.
4. focus not motivation:
There is no perfect training,time or method. With that understood you can plan but you must be flexible or have a contingency plan 'B" ready to go. Mission is sacred
Unsuccessful people spend more time flapping their jaws, wasting time on non productive pursuits, gossiping and worrying what the others are doing. They appear to be motivated but have no defined direction or mission. Motivation is action without results.
5. Devote your training and physical exercise to quality.
Go biking or running at a higher rate of speed and less distance. Runs will be 100-800 meters, biking will be 15-20 miles and resistance practice will be no more than 30 minute session. yes, You can do more than one a day. I have spent too much time in long distance training at a comfortable pace. Now the time to crank it up and spend more more time in outside pursuits like riding my new motorcycle.
6. Kettlebell and Crossfit will be the mainstay of my training.
continue to improve my kettlebell techniques and consider a new training seminar. RKC or the dark side? Crossfit is new to me somewhat except for the excessive training and there is a lot to do to leaned all the various exercise routines. there is a ton of new skills to perfect. Make a list and attack it. What the hell did I get myself involved in. Screw it, you only live once, and a short time at that.
7. Go for results and not stimulus.
I have a basic plan so there is no need to go through the motions just to fell good. I feel good all time anyway so there is not need to just exercise like some gerbil in a wheel. There has to be a mission to all this as Mission is sacred.
You can't get different results doing the same thing. Its not the process, it the progress that counts. Did what I completed today add to my life's aspirations or did it just full some space in time?
8. Training does not have to complicated nor trendy.
Most strength and fitness technology has already been invented, so I will use the simple and effective techniques used prior to roid-boy era. keep it basic to strength and exercise that has worked in the past, like sand bags, body weight, kettlebells, OL lifts, odd lifts. work the body, not the parts.
9 Spend less time in one on one personal training.
Better productive use of my time will be trying to do more groups, seminars, talks' I need to make up some DVD's especially for kettlebells. There are plenty of trainers that can do general fitness training, so I can devote to thoes who want a more aggressive style of fitness.
10. Upgrade my Tai Chi Chaun techniques.
This will serve to improve my flexibility which always in need of improvement. Joint mobility and flexibility has to be part of each training session to make the kind of progress I have set out for myself. Its a great seniors fitness class. I billion Chinese can't be wrong.
11. continue to upgrade my garage gym and construct a new outdoor training area.
Spend more time taking my training outside when ever possible. that will include installing pull up bars, ladders, outside lifting platform, rope climbing and tire flipping. construction starts in spring.
I won't have to look at some mullet doing a 60 lb curl in the power rack......makes me go pukie.
12. Try some new exercises this year.
One of the several things I want to try is "Battling Ropes". 2" ropes to jerk around. Krav Maga, Sombo for some blood sport. Parkour for some freestyle running like trail running. I have done a lot of trail running in the past, but did not physically prepare myself if obstructions required me to me more adaptable to falls and jumping.
13. You are going in the right direction, don't look back.
Planet Fitness and the no intimation style of training, ( they use the word intimation in the wrong context for what they really mean is a serious level of activity). No one has ever intimated any other person just because he or she is lifting a large weight aggressively.Those people who lift aggressively normally are the least to be a true threat and most of the time the most friendly. The true threat are the weaklings of the world as they know they don't have the confidence and what it takes to survive. Waste of time? No just not that productive and above all low value. Remember you get what you pay for; go cheap and get cheap. Its like training using a street walker or a 1000 dollar a night escort. So I have been told.
Any way, it hardcore, tough, exhausting, hazardous, arduous, harsh, hard line ,callous, unrelenting, ball-busting, mean, oppressive, burdensome, fierce.........you get the message, it will not be a Pussified Plant Fitness, kind of direction!
just superb advices. really professional tips, well done that share it to whole world
traditional training is the best
most modern day training is just sparring and repeatedly hitting a bag or something for a long period of time
so what if you can throw a really good punch or kick, in a real cold blood fight, its all about endurance and technique
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