Vince Lombardi
5,000 meters rowing.
Circuit training has been around for a long time and has been fashionable during the Nautilus system era and now 'Curves or sequentially organized gyms. Although these systems has many participants, they have few with results that can be used as a poster child for circuit training, therefore in many circles circuit training is not viewed as a successful training system. Most all the routines were done on machines sitting down closed chain, with insufficient aerobic activation. When circuit training when executed properly, it can out pace the fat loss, muscular endurance, strength, and hypertrophy of set systems and periodization. The benefits are:
- Brief training time-session can be 15-30mins.
- Greater or equal fat loss of traditional aerobic training.
- strength, by taking longer breaks between rounds.
- endurance: by take short or no breaks between rounds,
- muscle size: mostly compound exercises done "closed chain"
- Less chance of overuse injuries by using endless variety of routines.
- less chance of becoming stale.
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