Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Jan 1st & 2nd. Happy New year!

Jan 2nd. 2009

Time to clean up my office for the new year.
Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others.
-H. Jackson Brown,

WO du jour:

bands and joint mobility warm up

2-16kg side kettlebell swing: 150 reps

LCCJ 16 kg kettlebell 100 reps.

Barbell SDHP 75# 75reps. this is the stress builder as I perform it at cleaning speed instead of deadlift speed.

burpee with a pull up 75 reps.(Its a 5of6 step burpee which seem to feel better with the pullups)

I was reading an article out of one of the main fitness web sites, which is mostly a promotional site for supplements, equipment, and training services. It targeted toward the bodybuilding world, but they do have good articles from a number of great contributors. Every so often someone will trash Kettlebells, and Crossfit as either ineffective, or won't get you strong. Their modivation is to justify their cut of the pie or their particular theory on what constitutes fitness or strength.

This one gentleman, a so called strength expert, has voiced his negative view of especially Crossfit methods. He stopped to say that in his vast experience training world class athletics that he would never use crossfit to develop world class athletics.

It real easy to train world class athlete as they are physically gifted to start with and all you have to do is keep them on some program they like and they do all the rest. You don't really need a PhD in exercise,for most top athletic are motivated and focused right out of the box. Therefore they are the easiest to get results from. Training the average Joe and Jane is what takes the talent. Since Crossfit has over 600 small box gyms with hundreds of converts getting results that they picture each day. That's more that I see out of this so called expert of exercise and strength. There are more than a few strength coaches, (the colleges and universities push them out by the hundreds each year), How many of them can say they get university level results from all they coach each year?

you don't need to criticize or bad month some one who may be competing with, all you have to do is show everyone by your services that you can get positive results and they will beat your doors down. If it was not for the drugs few would ever the high profile results you see in the Mags. Just look around you with the obesity rate growing like the waist lines each day at all ages,we are not doing a great job in getting the masses fit.

My father was a world class athlete and never had a coach and trained himself most of his life, the best you could do is slow him down.

Jan. 1th 2009

If we like them, they're freedom fighters . . . If we don't like them, they're terrorists. In the unlikely case we can't make up our minds, they're temporarily only guerrillas.
-Carl Sagan,

WO du jour:

one mile run, 70 chinups, 140 pushups,210 squats, 100 situps.
27 mins. Cut short for today.

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