With lifting shoes,elbow, knee braces,chalked hands, and one heavy pretty gold plated kettlebell.........game on!
"A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people."
-Will Rogers
WO du jour: 1st session
Rowing 1000 meters warmup
foam roller.
20 reps BB squats 3x 5o kg.(full squats)
100 kettlebell LC cleans.
2nd. session:
Kettlebell snatches:
20/20/ 16kg
10/10 20kg x10 sets
10/10 20 kg outside the legs double snatches. (these are great for the hip flexion)
worked on squatting and snatch volume today. I was really critical about my squat depth today after observing some gentlemen performing haft ass high squats, with a weight he was not able to handle, in a gym yesterday. Then with the same weight he added chains(one light link) with the weight he was unable to squat with, but managed a couple of haft squats reps with the aid of a young lady. There was no sense in interjecting as he had a " I am an expert in this gym attitude".Squatting with a good full depth is one of the best exercises you can do, but chains are for developing drive out of the bottom, which he did not venture into, and you use a weight of 50-60% of your one rep max so you apply some speed.
Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.
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