Sunday, December 14, 2008

keep the joints oiled

Dec.15th. Monday

The joint lubrication was not what it was when I was competing, and I decided that not having arthritis or rheumatism for the rest of my life was a lot more important to me than returning to the track.
Edwin Moses

WO du jour: Warm today so I when out for a bike ride on the roads. Used my MT bike to traverse the landscape on roads with some residual ice and lots of sand. 15 miles was good.
Joint mobity prior to the Kettlebell press workout.
30,40,50lbs 10 reps each arm for three sets seated.
standing 5 sets of 5 with 60, and 70 lbs kettlebells.
85 lbs DB one arm rowing 10 sets of 10.
weighed chin-ups sets of 2 with 35 lbs.

I always now work on joint mobility to repair some of the range of motion lost from many years of training and not addressing that important function.

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