"Avoiding the phrase “I don’t have time...”, will soon help you to realize that you do have the time needed for just about anything you choose to accomplish in life.
-Bo Bennett
WO du jour:
Filty fifty routine: No need for warm up as the routine provides that.
50 box jumps
50 pullup:
50 Kettlebell swings with 16kg
50 KTE
50 lunges
50 wall ball with 20lb
50 double unders
50 Kettlebell press
50 Barbell goodmornings
50 burpees
26:12 min.time.
Second session afternoon
Heavy Kettlebell one arm pressing.
50-80 lbs sets of 3-5 reps
You don't need a time get a good training session. I have assembled over 200 short workout sessions from 10 min. to 30 mins. For the most part they are very intense after you warmup, but when time is limited with busy lifestyles, there is always time to get in a short session. Also short sessions allows for more than one and still get recovery.
Oct. 19th. Sunday
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger.
Frank Lloyd Wright
WO du jour:
45min walk run with XVest: Have to get reacquainted with the vest while running. Its that time of year to spend more time running and less time riding bike due to the the colder weather.
Sent time doing KB and barbell sots press and overhead squatting practice.
10 min snatch interval: one rep and hold at top in static form for count of 10 then back to swing. My shoulders felt good after that with the isometric holding which should also improve form.
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