Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Stay fired up!

Oct 22ND

If you want change, you have to commit your ass!

"If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change. If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change.
John A. Simone, Sr.

WO du jour:

Morning: warm up with foam roller and bands.

10 min of the following with barbell without stopping

5 reps thrusters

7 reps dead hand power clean

10 reps sumo deadlift

10 mins of the following with 2-20 kg kettlebells without stopping

5 reps thrusters

7 reps dead hang clean

10 sumo deadlift.

Total time 21 min. and 11 sets total.

afternoon session:

set gymboss for 15 sec work and 15 sec rest

16kg kettlebell for 80 sets! a new record.

about 40 min total time of sets

Now that I am all fired up from the success of scaling up my snatch volume, so now we go back and do the same periodzation with 20 kg. Its the little success that move you forward that keeps you motivation high as long as you focus on quality of movement when going after work capacity. Have great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

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