Saturday, October 18, 2008

No second place

Oct 18th.

"Never comment on a woman's rear end. Never use the words "large" or "size" with "rear end." Never. Avoid the area altogether. Trust me.

WO du jour:
20 mile bike ride out and back on roads. Temp was cold for this time of year with a good wind. However, it was a great ride hitting speeds over 30 mph at times.
Joint mobility but no resistance exercise today.

A former SEAL friend would say at times, "second place is the first looser". In the SEAL community, you don't want to be working toward second place, as it my be a gun fight. So when I train, I try to be the best I can be at what ever physical exercise I may be using that day. Will I always come in first? Hell no! but if you don't relentlessly try to pefect you training, you will never be satified with your results. Never,never, be satified with a second best performance when you train!

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