Saturday, October 04, 2008

back from vacation; back to work.

Oct. 4th.
This is what your government, in a bipartisan effort, has sealed our financial death as well for future generations. Bailout! want a injustice on the America public.

"I have never known a more vulgar expression of betrayal and deceit.
Lucien Bouchard

WO du jour:
15 mile bike ride. good pace. weather is much cooler.

second session:
100 16kg swing one arm and then 10 burpees.
100 16kg swings one arm and 10 burpees.
100 20kg swings one arm and 10 burpees.
100 20 kg swings one arm and 10 burpees
100 20 kg swings one arm and 10 burpees
cool down with 20 burpees.

vacation was good. The biking around Cherokee was a disappointment as the roads were bad. It not that the hills or small mountains are a problem, its really the condition. Its good thing I took my MT bike as there is really no shoulders and the side you need to keep close to when traveling down the hills to share with cars were all broken up for the most part. It was good to be out in the fresh air of North Carolina.

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