Pat Casey getting ready to do some heavy dumbell benching(200lbs each). The king of powerlifting.
"The lowest form of popular culture -- lack of information, misinformation, disinformation, and a contempt for the truth or the reality of most people's lives -- has overrun real journalism. Today, ordinary Americans are being stuffed with garbage.
-Carl Bernstein,
WO du jour:
40 mile bike ride in the morning. Good steady ride on a hilly route. No long hills, just a lot of short ones. Stopped for coffee at 20 miles. more than my normal mileage, but it was a group ride.
Pat Casey was the last of the "old time strongmen" era who pasted away in 2005. Pat benched 600 lbs and totaled 2000 in the three lifts in powerlifting comp. without supportive gear, and drugs of today. He was truly a "raw" lifter. In regards to his training, it was just basic compound lift, however, it was always heavy. It was nothing for him to do 200 lbs dumbells for seated presses and 300 dips.
I was lucky to see Pat train in California in the early 70's when he was in his prime. He was working out in a Golds gym but he mostly worked out at "Peanuts "West gym( that's another story). I saw him take 2-100 lbs plates strapped to his waist performing 10 dips plus his ~ 250 lb body wt. The thing I will always remember about watching Pat Casey train, is the stretch marks on his shoulders and arms. They were thick red bands that appears as though someone slashed him with a big knife. He will be remembered as the King of powerlifting.
Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.
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