Sept; 14th.
My wife asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I said"why a new holster for my gun dear".
"I hate birthdays".
Zane Grey
WO du jour:
warm up with bands, joint mobility and 5x500 meter rowing.
10 sets of 10 reps:
2-20kg. short cycle
32kg swing.
21:00 only rest was to chalk and mark sets. Quads were fryed from the short cycle with the 2-20 kg kettlebells ,but shoulders felt real solid for a change.
Its my birthday today but like most seniors, I don't need anymore as I have more that enough to last a life time. I guess, if you talk in terms of numbers, I am a official senior citizen at 65, however, my wife would say its just a number with me and I never aged beyond 25 for some reason, especially maturity. I still ride fast Harley motorcycles, lift weights, shoot big guns, drink vodka and train as though the next Olympics is months away. No sense in changing things year after year, it has always worked for me.
Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.
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