Friday, September 05, 2008

light kettlebell session today.

Sept 5th.

Yea, I know I have to stretch

"He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.
Harold Wilson

WO du jour:

warm up: lots of bands movements including pushups and squats. Foam roller. light kettlebell rotations. Jump rope.
Kettlebell "Fran" 21,15,9,reps of thrusters and pullups
14kg kettlebells and rope pullups for a change.

6:14 (pullups when slow this morning for some reason.)
set gymboss for 1min. work and 45 sec rest for "long cycle".
2-14kg kettlebells for 12 sets ( average 8 reps per min)
concentrated on form and relaxing at the right time. after the first 4 sets it was easy as it takes a while to set the form down.
100 abmat with bands resistance in Janda form.
33 burpees today:

I was discussing TV which I watch little of, with my step brother yesterday, who is almost my same age as I, so we can evaluate issues in perspective of age and lifestyle. Our consensus was basically the same in terms of quality and content pertinent to Seniors especially. Our belief, is that TV content is totally inadequate for the senior age grouping. Quality is extremely poor even when the target audience is teen and 20 something viewers. The message we are getting, is that basic core values are degraded and that a hedonistic live style is what everyone is pursuing. Of coarse, most of the of these film production emanated from the very liberal west coast who thinks that the rest of the country is in step with their degenerate lifestyle.

My solution is to contact the sponsors of these shows and tell them they are supporting networks and entertainment that is inconsistent with good quality programing. We will no longer support your products and will activity boycott said goods. Hit them with the pocket book and they will listen!

On a similar note is the fitness programming the TV promotes. Most of it is a feeble and ineffective form of exercise and its function is to promote equipment of very low quality and durability made by foreign suppliers. The program promoters use fitness models or celebrity's to act as models, who tell about their use of the program or product they are promoting. Most celebrity's could care less that the average person is fit and healthy. Don't buy into their crap! If they were serious they would put more Crossfit or bootcamp type exercise programing instead of setting on a rubber ball or pumping 5-10 lbs. plastic weights.

Good quality fitness equipment is not cheap however, it will out last the owner in most cases. I bought an Olympic barbell set from Bob Hoffman from York Barbell C0 when I was discharged from the military 40 years ago and I still use the bar and weights! after 40 years the bar is a little bent, and the knurl is warn, but its still usable. I have other sets but that set is my favorite as it is quality and made in America. It did not come with a DVD on how to use the Olympic set, but it did come with history of strength.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

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