Monday, September 08, 2008

watch your back.

Sept 8Th.

Ageing process of progressive back flexion(lumbar lordosis). Maintain good back health and swing kettlebells.

"There is a muscular energy in sunlight corresponding to the spiritual energy of wind.
Annie Dillard
WO du jour:
Warm up. bands and joint mobility. Legs a little stiff from yesterday ride but not solidfied.

5 sets of the following with no rest.

135# deadlift 20 reps
ring pushups 30 reps.
24kg. swings 30 reps
abmat situp with legs anchored 30 reps
14;50 Nice little session to start the week.
afternoon session: 100 reps of 24kg each arm standing press with no jerk.
5 reps of 32kg,2 set each arm.

I use Williams exercise or joint mobility for back flexion movements (Williams 1965, Williams 1937, Blackburn 1981, Ponte et al.)

and McKenzie movements for back extention

(Ponte DJ, Jensen GJ, Kent BE. A preliminary report on the use of the McKenzie protocol versus Williams protocol in the treatment of low back pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1984;6:130-9. )

Both protocals are easy to perform, don't take a lot of time and covers the complete "core" of the body. However, you have to take care that you don't excede your active range of motion and perform each movement passive to keep from activating the stretch reflex.

If you start with the form roller and then go to joint mobility you can prepare you back for any type of resistance, cardio or crossfit exercise.

Like many matrure athletics I have a number of back issues aquired from previous sports activities that would limit my particapation in physical activities if I did not take the extra time to prepare my back for any training activites or just general living.

No need to go this far on extention

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