Saturday, September 06, 2008

All that is requested is fairness.

Sept 6th

Rain or shine the game must go on.

"You may delay, but time will not.

Benjamin Franklin

WO du jour:
warm up with bands and foam roller.
Rowing on C-2 meters. 500 meters times 10 no rest and on to pressing.
stright barbell press with 95 lbs. for 5 reps. after each 500 meters rowing set.

I read in the news today that Marion Jones, Olympic sprinter was just released from federal prison. Yes, she took steroids to enhance her performance and was caught,6 years later as a result of this BALCO lab investigations where all the sports stars were getting their "chemical breakfast of champions." Now I not saying there should not be some punishment for cheating and she did lose all her 5 medals she ever earned in Olympic competition, so that should have been sufficient. However, other sport stars, notably from track, baseball and football continue to play and make millions of dollars each year, with no punishment. Where was the feminist/woman's' movement, trying to defend her? Her only problem, as she was in the wrong sport, a female and not have a masive sport following that will overlook any indiscrtation. We all know that the feminist movement has nothing to do with protection of woman's rights.....just some of the rights and mostly only liberal white woman. I never watch baseball to support drug using athletics so they can make million's of dollars and be role models. Very simple solution to the sport drug problem. Use drugs, get caught, and you never ever play closed and end of story.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

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