Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Its the diet stupid.

Sept. 30th.

Yes dear! wall street has us all right there!

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern.
Lord Acton

WO du jour:

Warm up with bands. Increasing the number of articulations with the bands for a complete body warm up.

65 burpees with a pullup or chinup on each rep. 14min. to complete.

300 kettlebell swings with 16kg.

second session: warm up at Franks Gym. VO2 training. 15sec work,15sec rest for snatches with 16kg. 50 sets without stopping. 6 reps per set equals 300 reps. As soon as I reach 60 sets I will shift to 20 kg.

good sessions today. getting ready for trip to North Carolina to do some bike riding in some real mountains.

Last night one of my friends was lamenting that he is not loosing body/fat content weight, yet like many others, goes to the gym religiously 5 days a week but never looses any weight. this individual wears his heart rate monitor and maintains the standard 60-90% of max heart rate during exercise. He is like the majority of people male and female who go to a gym each day to maintain weight or loose. However, it rarely happens that goal are achieved by exercise alone with even the most effective exercise. So what's the secret to exercise success? It's the diet stupid!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

partners in pain.

Sept 29th. monday

Its getting closer to October and you know what that means!

"Modern man believes he is fruitful and productive when his ego is aggressively affirmed, when he is visibly active, and when his action produces obvious results.
-Thomas Merton,

WO du jour:

18 mile bike ride in morning. light rain, warm but lots of debris on the roads for storm.

stretched after ride. 5 sets of the following: 5 pullups, 10 dips, 15 situps and 20 overhead stick squats for cool down after ride.

Second session: 12 set of 10 seated Kettlebell press. 2 set of 5 32kg

I could use some training partners now! It hard to find people that want to train the way I do or have the time to devote to exercise almost 24-7. At one time I when I was running ultra races and teaching Martial arts, I did have a compatible training partner. He was a retired navy SEAL and a real fruit cake when it came to fitness. Unfortunately he moved to another state, but it was great suffering when he was around.

Sept: 28th. Sunday

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant."
-Max De Pree,

WO du jour:
25 mile bike ride on back roads. Light rain and used the MT bike as the roads were wet and leaves are now adding to road hazards. Great ride. Stretched after.

Sept. 27 Sat.

"We must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose."
-Indira Gandhi

WO du jour:
5000 meters on rowing machine first thing in the morning. Have not done that in some time but as winter comes to town I spend more time on the rower.

Little prison workout.

Sept. 26Th.

Next time you will keep your hands up!

" What kind of society isn't structured on greed? The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm; capitalism is that kind of a system.
-Milton Friedman

It may seem like an easy session, but try it you may like it. It did however between the pushups and the punching the heavy bag, my knuckles got sore.

WO du jour:
100 burpee with heavy bag engagement( a fancy word for beating the shit out of the bag)
pushups made on knuckles. that's all kids.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

mega kettlebells

Sept. 25Th

Yes, this is a real 92kg kettlebell or 202.86 lbs. at $500 cost and maybe $250 to ship, its waiting for your order!

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
Thomas A. Edison

WO du jour:
Joint mobility, jump rope and heavy bag. did not take a lot of warm up as the routine is intense.
30 reps of SDHP 100 lbs
30 reps of clapping pushups: clap to hands. Could only do two and hafts sets clapping. rest straight and lucky to get that.
30 reps pushpress. 2-16kg kettlebells;
30 reps 24kg kettlebell swings.
4 sets in 23:18 ( not an easy routine especially the clapping pushups, the other three exercises I could have done another set.)
Stretched well.
53 burpees today:

I really have no need for a larger KB than a 40kg, and can only do few things with that. In the past I have cleaned 100lb and 48 kg kettlebells but that's about all I can manage for fear of completing the destruction of my glenohumeral joints. However, my case on gonzo kettlebells, is that once you get the beast to the shoulder, the handle is almost above your head, and therefore you are really lifting a press or jerk short range of motion . And if you are proficient at the bent press, you can easily handle a 150 to 200 lb chunk of iron.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Monday, September 22, 2008

kettlebells in the Gulag

Sept 23rd.

Your Fitness program while in prison takes on a new sense of urgency

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

George S. Patton

WO du jour:

warm up; jump rope, heavy bag punching and kicking, bands and joint mobility,

One arm push jerk: 10 sets of 10 each arm. 1 set 16kg. 1set 20kg and 8 sets 24kg.

weighted pullups: 10 sets of 3-14kg.

prone DB tri extension with 45# 3 sets of 10.

5 sets of Ab roller.

Second session later:

15sec work and 15 sec. rest with 16kg kettlebell


There is such a thing as the Prison Work out. Basically it is body weight exercise like burpees, pushups,pullups, situps and running. Many incarnated inmates in our state and federal prisons, train each day mostly without the use of weights or resistance equipment. Most prisons that have some weights are slowly allowing them to leave or go into disrepair and not being replaced. Federal Prisons usually don't not have weights for inmates to use, opting for cardio and body wt some machine exercise. There is a lot of debate as allow and disallow weight training in prisons but there is no one standard from institution to the next.

That's not to say they don't do resistance exercise if no weights are available, it just that in order to train with resistance you have to be very creative in applying your self to your environment. Example would be inmates that have disciplinary problems are in their cells 23 hrs a day and have limited or no contact with exercise equipment. They make punching bags our of bedding or use chairs or makeshift sand bags to use as resistance.

Years ago I would referee at powerlift meets inside some of the local prisons as we have about 8 including state and federal. We never had a problem at any of the meets and the inmates were always cooperative even when they were "red lighted".

Prison staff for the most part don't see weight training as a real problem, when you have a means of discipline by taking this privilege away. Also inmates that train with weights, generally don't cause as much problems, as those how don't exercise. Two of my kids work in federal prisons, and by not having weights and just doing body weight exercise, you have to confront a more fit, lean, quick inmate to control. Just think what would happen if they ever go into kettlebells!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What type,size,vendor kettlebell to purchase

Sept; 22.monday

You only need a few good ones and a lot of work.

" I buy when other people are selling.

WO du jour:
warmup with bands and joint mobility. jump rope and SHOT play

5 sets of 10 reps each of the following
body weight deadlifts
dumbell one arm snatch
burpees with box jump.
11:20 sec. Note the burpees took the longest and hardest....go figure.
afternoon: 18 mile bike ride on a great fall day.

It should be a well calculated research project when deciding to purchase kettlebells for your exercise program. kettlebells are very expensive and not all kettlebells are the same quality nor what you need depending on how they are to be used. Don't gage the quality on the fancy paint job. Since I remove the paint off the handle of all my kettlebells, it exposes the quality of the castings where they have to be filed or sanded to smoothness. handles with a rubberized coating should be avoided as you will need lots of gloves or tape for your hands.
At one time just a few years ago there were only a couple vendors to purchase your kettlebells from, however that seem to change overnight when the demand increased at the same speed. Myself I have floor full of kettlebells from 6 different vendors and 6 different levels of quality. By having so many types of kettlebells to use, I can recommend only a few based on quality and type.
In regards to size, bigger is not always better. One should consider your current strength and potential improvement to size your bell. Since these balls of iron cost dollar fifty to two fifty a pound, you may want to carefully select your size range. Chose a kettlebell you can do most of the basic exercises and one heaver that you can only use for squats, deadlifts and push jerks. one to three sized kettlbells is all you really need or use if you are using kettlebell as an occasional training tool. However, if you are going to train others or strength train almost exclusively with kettlebell then you want a complete set. I might add that going too small may not yield the results you want to be ripped like a skined rat.
What are you going to use your kettlebells for? The natural answer would be to get fit and stronger. Others would indicate some weight loss. Then any kettlebell will work for the mission, as long as that are manipulated correctly with apporate effort. That's right, it no big deal and any kettlebell from any vendor will accomplish the task in completing your fitness goals. The only time you have to really have a special kettlebell is when you compete in GS or kettlebell competition.
Gervoy sport uses standard sized kettlebells based on one design. Therefore if you are using, 12kg, 24kg, or 32kg, they are all the same size ball regardless of weight. That is so the kettlebell fits the body concisely for efficent moment when large volumes of repetitions are required. The handle are designed with a smaller diameter and made for Olympic style lifts only such as clean and jerks and snatches. So if you are among the few, and I mean very few, who have embraced this brutal sport, then all you will need is your required two Giri based on you competition weigh, age and sex. May you suffer in peace.

Right now is the best time to look around the net to see all the vendors who sell kettlebells before you purchase one. you can buy kettlebells now from just about any equipment vendor that sells fitness equipment including Dicks. Lastly consider if you buy off the net, shipping is as much as one third the cost.
have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Too many KB instructors?

Sept 20th.

This is a picture of Jeff Martone changing a tire between kettlebell insturctions. Jeff is one of the top Kettlebell instructors who has deverfied his kettlebell fitness business so when kettlebells become less favorable he will still be in demand.

" When a subject becomes totally obsolete we make it a required course.
Peter Drucker

WO du jour:
warm up with bands and joint mobility.
4 sets of 10 reps each
double 16kg KB swings
double 16kg KB renegade rowing
double 16kg KB cleans
double 16 kg push press

The other day I received a e-mail from a top kettlebell instructor and business person who for the last few years has effectively promoted kettlebells as a fitness method as well as marketing other fitness tools to augment his effective program. This promoter of kettlebells has been up to this point progressing in this field which is rapidly filling up. He lamented somewhat that his business is slowing down and not increasing like it has in the past and therefore is somewhat concerned that they my be too many in the business. You see, its like marketing in a pyramid model, where the originators of the business reap the most profits as the market expands and more "spin offs" occur, the less profit for all. In that type of business structure, you just have to know when to bale out or reinvent your business.

The person who really started the kettlebell boom, if you want to call it that, was Pavel Tsatsouline who is currently at the top of the food chain and will most lightly stay there is he has developed a very strong market base and has the support products to his main busness , which is the basic kettlebells instruction. Pavel has promoted an ever increasing number of instructors who he has developed, now have their own businesses and programs, teaching and selling similar products. I believe at some point the market will be saturated with kettlebell instructors and only a few will continue to profit like it is today. You see the American public is fitness fickle and find a new toy to be the next wonder fitness method.

Sept 19th. Friday

Judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.
Simon Bolivar

WO du jour:

Warmup well with stretch bands and joint mobility. Jump rope, hindi pushups

10 sets of 5 reps barbell back squats
10 sets of 5 reps barbell powerclean and push jerk.
10 sets of 5 reps Dumbell cleans
100 abmats and stretch.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

get mad!

sept 18th.

Its time to get angry at our governments handling of the financial crisis.

"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there's be a shortage of sand.

WO du jour:

With all the crap in the news of our inept political leaders, and their empty harangue, I decided to go for a nice hard bike ride.

25 miles hard pace. never stopped even to coast I was so angry. legs felt real good and recovery was quick.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kettlebell cleans and press pratice

Sept 17th

What's on your mind?

"He who has faith has... an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly.

B. C. Forbes

WO du jour:

warmup with bands and lots of joint mobility.

2-24 kg. stomp clean and press for 10 min. ( 36 reps) Made sure each clean was sharp and dead stop press.

cool down: 10 sets 5 pullups with 12kg., 5 burpees with box jump of 16", and 5 50# dumbell tri extention.

45 burpees today: did that.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

because I can


One must know his priorities

"Believe you can and you're halfway there.

Theodore Roosevelt

WO du jour:
warm up: bands, Hindu pushups, burpees, pullups 5 sets each.
24 kg one arm swing; Set gymboss to 15:15
35 sets. @10-11 per set. or 350 swings.

18 mile bike ride in the afternoon on hilly route.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Deal with it!

Sept 15th.

Admiral "Bull" Halsey on board the battleship New Jersey BB-62 during WWII.

He never was on a Carnival Cruse.

"There are no extraordinary men... just extraordinary circumstances that ordinary men are forced to deal with.
William Halsey

WO du jour:

warm up with bands and joint mobility.

"Chief's" workout. Set gymboss for 3min work and 1min rest. do 5 sessions with as many sets as possible within the time.

125 lbs power cleans 3 reps
pushups 6 resp
squats 9 reps
23 sets ( I don't know who in Crossfit came up with this selection, it looks easy, but you will suffer!) Thank you chief,can I have another!

Second session: at kettlebell club

2-8min sets of continous cleans with 16kg.

kettlebell presses: 3x8 32kg. and 3x2 36kg.

Each year in the United States Navy, a highly qualified and elite cadre of Sailors are selected and promoted to the join the ranks of Chief Petty Officer. Since 1893, "The Chiefs" have been relied upon by subordinates and superiors alike for their personal example, technical expertise and above all, their unique leadership capabilities. As the induction process for newly selected Chief Petty Officers is now underway throughout the US Navy, we thought it appropriate to inaugurate "The Chief" in honor and recognition of all past and present CPOs. Thanks to them and their families for their self-sacrifice, ability to adapt, tireless dedication to mission and devotion to country. (from Crossfit WOD)

Fleet admiral Wm. "bull" Halsey was the most aggressive leader and effective military officer during WWII. He made Gen. Patton look like a pussy. I will always remember he understood that the aircraft carrier was going to be the instrument that can controlled warfare. ADM Halsey became a commander of a navel aircraft carrier group, however you must be a pilot to command. He did so at 50 years of age, when most officers retire, entered flight school and graduated. 20 year old have trouble getting through this difficult mental and physical training.

ADM. Halsey become one of the most respected leaders during WWII, never backed down, was the type of tenuous leaders we need today. What do we have for leaders today? "Empty suited Weaklings"!

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Birthday, not another one!

Sept; 14th.
My wife asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I said"why a new holster for my gun dear".

"I hate birthdays".
Zane Grey

WO du jour:
warm up with bands, joint mobility and 5x500 meter rowing.
10 sets of 10 reps:
2-20kg. short cycle
32kg swing.
21:00 only rest was to chalk and mark sets. Quads were fryed from the short cycle with the 2-20 kg kettlebells ,but shoulders felt real solid for a change.

Its my birthday today but like most seniors, I don't need anymore as I have more that enough to last a life time. I guess, if you talk in terms of numbers, I am a official senior citizen at 65, however, my wife would say its just a number with me and I never aged beyond 25 for some reason, especially maturity. I still ride fast Harley motorcycles, lift weights, shoot big guns, drink vodka and train as though the next Olympics is months away. No sense in changing things year after year, it has always worked for me.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

kettlebells for the long haul

Sept. 13th

This is a picture of fitness model Shoron Verderhorst. I don't know if she uses the kettlebells for her training, but it still makes for a great fashion accessory anyway.

"My biggest weakness as a endurance athlete has been in not drinking enough water after training, thereby racing sometimes while dehydrated.
Bill Rodgers

WO du jour:

20 mile bike ride first thing in the morning. Very hard pace.

later in the day;
warmed up well with bands and joint mobility
50 pullups,100 situps,100 pushups,and 100 air squats

10 min of 12 kg long cycle.

41 burpees today

10 min. don't seem like a lot of training, but you have to experience it. Depending on the cadence, you can get into scores even hundreds of reps. A far cry from the 3 sets of 8-12.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let us not forget.

Sept 11th.

Around here, we will never for get that day 7 years ago

No man can think clearly when his fists are clenched.
George Jean Nathan

WO du jour:
warmup: bands, jump rope, OHS, burpees 30

10 min of 14kg cleans without setting down KB, changing hands at 10 or 165 reps.
5 times 1 min squat with 2-16kg and1 min rest.
5 set of 5 32kg floor press with extension.
5 sets of 5 40kg sumo high pull.
100 situps.
45 burpees

later session: "hero" workout "Randy"
snatch 75 times for time.
use 2-16 kg kettlebells.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

where is everyone?

Sept, 10th.

strength training circa 1911

"Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.
-Carl Gustav Jung

WO du jour:

22 mile bike ride on flat trail. 19MPH pace on cool morning. Great ride.

Later in the day:
3-4 min set of 16 kg long cycle cleans only
2-5 min sets of 16g swings (500)
2-10 reps sets of 24kg see saw press.
38 burpees today.
Yesterday one of my friends was telling me about how he joined a "big box" gym a year ago when it first opened. There was a lot of original excitement and large rapid enrollment to the 10,000 member level. He would say there was a waiting line for cardo machines and the place was rocking. Fast forward and now you see only 20 % of the early membership attendance you see now. Why the reduction of attendance is only speculation. Poor economy, high gas prices, back to school etc. However, the IHRSA( International health racket and sportsclub association) predict a 30-40% attrition rate for its member clubs, so there is a mission to constantly recruit new members to replace the ones leaving.

I belong to a "small box" gym as well as having my own, and 75% of the original members still workout in the same gym for the last 20 years. The cost of this gym was close to nothing to set up as each member made a contribution of equipment or labor and the building was owned by one of the members so the only cost was to pay for the utilities of a 2,000 square foot room. The equipment was basic but more than adequate for people training for competition and no one ever complained.

What keeps those people even though the membership numbers are minuscule compared to a "'globo gym"? I can only speculate that the primary reason for retention is that each member is more connected to their fitness as a group and their success is linked by each others success. In essence, success begets success and becomes contagious.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

stay in the game.

sept 9th.

This is a picture of Lance Armstrong if he tested positive for performance enhancing drugs.

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

Henry David Thoreau

WO du jour:

warm up: foam roller and med. balls for MF relief, bands, Ab roller and jump rope.

set gymboss timer to 2.5 min. work and 1 min rest.
snatch with 16 kg kettlebell 8 sets or 360 reps.

Later in the day;
10 sets of 10 sand bag front squat.
10 sets of 10 32kg bent rowing.
ab wheel

Lance Armstrong has just announced that he will be joining the Tour DE France in 2009. This will be lance's 8Th tour if he wins. You would think he had enough suffering in his career but some have no limits. Lance never stopped competing since he so called retired. He has been doing running marathons, and mountain bike races and even came in 2ND at the Leadville 100 mile MT. bike race, the hardest in the world. So even a 37 he still in the game.

Like lance, have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Monday, September 08, 2008

watch your back.

Sept 8Th.

Ageing process of progressive back flexion(lumbar lordosis). Maintain good back health and swing kettlebells.

"There is a muscular energy in sunlight corresponding to the spiritual energy of wind.
Annie Dillard
WO du jour:
Warm up. bands and joint mobility. Legs a little stiff from yesterday ride but not solidfied.

5 sets of the following with no rest.

135# deadlift 20 reps
ring pushups 30 reps.
24kg. swings 30 reps
abmat situp with legs anchored 30 reps
14;50 Nice little session to start the week.
afternoon session: 100 reps of 24kg each arm standing press with no jerk.
5 reps of 32kg,2 set each arm.

I use Williams exercise or joint mobility for back flexion movements (Williams 1965, Williams 1937, Blackburn 1981, Ponte et al.)

and McKenzie movements for back extention

(Ponte DJ, Jensen GJ, Kent BE. A preliminary report on the use of the McKenzie protocol versus Williams protocol in the treatment of low back pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1984;6:130-9. )

Both protocals are easy to perform, don't take a lot of time and covers the complete "core" of the body. However, you have to take care that you don't excede your active range of motion and perform each movement passive to keep from activating the stretch reflex.

If you start with the form roller and then go to joint mobility you can prepare you back for any type of resistance, cardio or crossfit exercise.

Like many matrure athletics I have a number of back issues aquired from previous sports activities that would limit my particapation in physical activities if I did not take the extra time to prepare my back for any training activites or just general living.

No need to go this far on extention

Sunday, September 07, 2008

You don't need gear.

Sept 7th,

Pat Casey getting ready to do some heavy dumbell benching(200lbs each). The king of powerlifting.

"The lowest form of popular culture -- lack of information, misinformation, disinformation, and a contempt for the truth or the reality of most people's lives -- has overrun real journalism. Today, ordinary Americans are being stuffed with garbage.
-Carl Bernstein,

WO du jour:

40 mile bike ride in the morning. Good steady ride on a hilly route. No long hills, just a lot of short ones. Stopped for coffee at 20 miles. more than my normal mileage, but it was a group ride.

Pat Casey was the last of the "old time strongmen" era who pasted away in 2005. Pat benched 600 lbs and totaled 2000 in the three lifts in powerlifting comp. without supportive gear, and drugs of today. He was truly a "raw" lifter. In regards to his training, it was just basic compound lift, however, it was always heavy. It was nothing for him to do 200 lbs dumbells for seated presses and 300 dips.

I was lucky to see Pat train in California in the early 70's when he was in his prime. He was working out in a Golds gym but he mostly worked out at "Peanuts "West gym( that's another story). I saw him take 2-100 lbs plates strapped to his waist performing 10 dips plus his ~ 250 lb body wt. The thing I will always remember about watching Pat Casey train, is the stretch marks on his shoulders and arms. They were thick red bands that appears as though someone slashed him with a big knife. He will be remembered as the King of powerlifting.

Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

All that is requested is fairness.

Sept 6th

Rain or shine the game must go on.

"You may delay, but time will not.

Benjamin Franklin

WO du jour:
warm up with bands and foam roller.
Rowing on C-2 meters. 500 meters times 10 no rest and on to pressing.
stright barbell press with 95 lbs. for 5 reps. after each 500 meters rowing set.

I read in the news today that Marion Jones, Olympic sprinter was just released from federal prison. Yes, she took steroids to enhance her performance and was caught,6 years later as a result of this BALCO lab investigations where all the sports stars were getting their "chemical breakfast of champions." Now I not saying there should not be some punishment for cheating and she did lose all her 5 medals she ever earned in Olympic competition, so that should have been sufficient. However, other sport stars, notably from track, baseball and football continue to play and make millions of dollars each year, with no punishment. Where was the feminist/woman's' movement, trying to defend her? Her only problem, as she was in the wrong sport, a female and not have a masive sport following that will overlook any indiscrtation. We all know that the feminist movement has nothing to do with protection of woman's rights.....just some of the rights and mostly only liberal white woman. I never watch baseball to support drug using athletics so they can make million's of dollars and be role models. Very simple solution to the sport drug problem. Use drugs, get caught, and you never ever play again.....case closed and end of story.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Friday, September 05, 2008

light kettlebell session today.

Sept 5th.

Yea, I know I have to stretch

"He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.
Harold Wilson

WO du jour:

warm up: lots of bands movements including pushups and squats. Foam roller. light kettlebell rotations. Jump rope.
Kettlebell "Fran" 21,15,9,reps of thrusters and pullups
14kg kettlebells and rope pullups for a change.

6:14 (pullups when slow this morning for some reason.)
set gymboss for 1min. work and 45 sec rest for "long cycle".
2-14kg kettlebells for 12 sets ( average 8 reps per min)
concentrated on form and relaxing at the right time. after the first 4 sets it was easy as it takes a while to set the form down.
100 abmat with bands resistance in Janda form.
33 burpees today:

I was discussing TV which I watch little of, with my step brother yesterday, who is almost my same age as I, so we can evaluate issues in perspective of age and lifestyle. Our consensus was basically the same in terms of quality and content pertinent to Seniors especially. Our belief, is that TV content is totally inadequate for the senior age grouping. Quality is extremely poor even when the target audience is teen and 20 something viewers. The message we are getting, is that basic core values are degraded and that a hedonistic live style is what everyone is pursuing. Of coarse, most of the of these film production emanated from the very liberal west coast who thinks that the rest of the country is in step with their degenerate lifestyle.

My solution is to contact the sponsors of these shows and tell them they are supporting networks and entertainment that is inconsistent with good quality programing. We will no longer support your products and will activity boycott said goods. Hit them with the pocket book and they will listen!

On a similar note is the fitness programming the TV promotes. Most of it is a feeble and ineffective form of exercise and its function is to promote equipment of very low quality and durability made by foreign suppliers. The program promoters use fitness models or celebrity's to act as models, who tell about their use of the program or product they are promoting. Most celebrity's could care less that the average person is fit and healthy. Don't buy into their crap! If they were serious they would put more Crossfit or bootcamp type exercise programing instead of setting on a rubber ball or pumping 5-10 lbs. plastic weights.

Good quality fitness equipment is not cheap however, it will out last the owner in most cases. I bought an Olympic barbell set from Bob Hoffman from York Barbell C0 when I was discharged from the military 40 years ago and I still use the bar and weights! after 40 years the bar is a little bent, and the knurl is warn, but its still usable. I have other sets but that set is my favorite as it is quality and made in America. It did not come with a DVD on how to use the Olympic set, but it did come with history of strength.

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

star wars

Sept 4th.

"The military don't start wars. Politicians start wars.
Gen. William Westmoreland

WO du jour:
22 mile bike ride. good steady pace.
later in the day
50 burpees
50 24 kg swings
7: 03

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Rhabdo is always possible.

Sept. 3rd.

Anyone for some disrespect?

"To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity.
-Denis Waitley

WO du jour:
warm up: foam roller, bands and jump rope.

100 swings with 32kg kettlebell.
100 high box step up with racked 20 kg kettlebell
100 24kg snatches with the last 40 in one set.
10 32kg snatchs
10 36kg snatchs.
2 40 kg, snatch Stopped there as shoulder stability was getting sloppy.

Afternoon session:

100 pushups

100 situps

100 squats

50 pullup (no kipping)

8:22 (did the first three exercises in 4:55)

I was reading today on one of my e-mails on a 60 year old exercise professor/masters athletic, who was going to a boot camp certification and developed Rhabdomyolysis after three days of basically a lot of body weight exercise, which you would expect in a "boot camp" exercise program. Well we could say he should know better, and as Dirty Harry would say"man must know his limitations". I will give the gentlemen the benefit of the doubt, and say he probably got caught up in the moment. More over, I believe that exercise professionals under rate body weight exercise being less stressful than traditional resistance modalities. Age was not an issue here, its conditioning and working within your abilities at that time and space.

Then there is this US Navy sailor who is suing CrossFit for inflicting Rhabdo when performing the WOD. I read the workout in question that inflicted the Rhabdo and it is a pitiful set of basic body weight exercise an old lady could do. No self respecting crossfit member would not even use this routine for a warm up. So how did the trainer push this poor sap into such a physical depression in such as short time at low intensity? I can only assume that the victim was in a highly deconditioned state to start with, and not accustom to any form of exercise that involves getting off one ass.

I have done some silly shit in my day like run a hundred miles in temperatures in the 90's and practice Karate in winter in Korea, with only our uniform and no shoes, attended 2 military boot camps, and never even got to throw up. I take that back, I have heaved up on more than once occasion performing heavy barbell squats, but recovered after removing the food and back to squatting. Having competed in Ultra endurance events requiring hours and multiple day events I only got rhabdo once running a hilly 50 mile road race in temps close to 100 deg. and become severely dehydrated. This event required hospitalization. In hind site it was not the distance nor the temperature, my conditioning, as I was well trained to deal with the conditions, but the increased pace to place in the top three runners.

Based on the information that Crossfit provided and some research on the subject, Rhabdo is rare even with such training as the special forces subject men to, so if you want to avoid rhabdo, is to train progressively so the body will adopt and maintain hydration for cellular fluid balance. No one is going to give you a metal for getting rhabdo!

Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

Monday, September 01, 2008

you will need a plan.

Sept 2nd.

Well New Orleans dodged a big bullet

" Any plan imperfectly executed is better than no plan perfectly executed.
-Scott Sorrell

WO du jour:

warm up: Foam roller.

18 mile bike ride: very hilly route and push a high gear.

cleaned up my " small box gym" I don't have janitorial service.

30 burpees today

One of the most difficult aspects of a fitness program is a Program, assuming you have one. More common than not, people join a gym or club, they are briefly given a workout sheet with a series of basic exercises, mostly machine based. Well the club has do something with all that expensive hardware. The new exerciser starts to work the sheet and in most situations, keeping to this program does not endure the majority of the time or on the other side they religiously keep a data sheet with the same program sometimes for months without change.

Then the Health club member will ask the staff (when no result comes)on whats next; at which time the club staff will offer to perform personal training to improve his or her changes of fitness success.
My experience tells me that it takes a lot of familiarization on the equipment especially if you use machines, and the many exercisers and variations on free weights to be performed correctly. So a well constructed program and the associated training can take weeks and months depending on the fitness level you desire. That's going to cost you hundreds of dollars.
One of my courses on executing training routines is this 400 page book called Designing Resistance Training Programs, by Fleck and Kraemer, covers all the aspects of organizing a training program from simple 3 day a week session to extensive multi day periodization for a entire year. Its makes for great reading for those who want to be able to organize a seriously constructed workout schedules based on the goals of the client.
If you have the time and funds, get a trainer set up a annual periodization program, but if like most people you have limited funds and your fitness goals are modest, then I suggest you take up kettlebells, which can be learned quickly and yield modest or even sometimes excellent results without a extensive program.