Sept; 22.monday
You only need a few good ones and a lot of work.
" I buy when other people are selling.
WO du jour:
warmup with bands and joint mobility. jump rope and SHOT play
5 sets of 10 reps each of the following
body weight deadlifts
dumbell one arm snatch
burpees with box jump.
11:20 sec. Note the burpees took the longest and hardest....go figure.
afternoon: 18 mile bike ride on a great fall day.
It should be a well calculated research project when deciding to purchase kettlebells for your exercise program. kettlebells are very expensive and not all kettlebells are the same quality nor what you need depending on how they are to be used. Don't gage the quality on the fancy paint job. Since I remove the paint off the handle of all my kettlebells, it exposes the quality of the castings where they have to be filed or sanded to smoothness. handles with a rubberized coating should be avoided as you will need lots of gloves or tape for your hands.
At one time just a few years ago there were only a couple vendors to purchase your kettlebells from, however that seem to change overnight when the demand increased at the same speed. Myself I have floor full of kettlebells from 6 different vendors and 6 different levels of quality. By having so many types of kettlebells to use, I can recommend only a few based on quality and type.
In regards to size, bigger is not always better. One should consider your current strength and potential improvement to size your bell. Since these balls of iron cost dollar fifty to two fifty a pound, you may want to carefully select your size range. Chose a kettlebell you can do most of the basic exercises and one heaver that you can only use for squats, deadlifts and push jerks. one to three sized kettlbells is all you really need or use if you are using kettlebell as an occasional training tool. However, if you are going to train others or strength train almost exclusively with kettlebell then you want a complete set. I might add that going too small may not yield the results you want to be ripped like a skined rat.
What are you going to use your kettlebells for? The natural answer would be to get fit and stronger. Others would indicate some weight loss. Then any kettlebell will work for the mission, as long as that are manipulated correctly with apporate effort. That's right, it no big deal and any kettlebell from any vendor will accomplish the task in completing your fitness goals. The only time you have to really have a special kettlebell is when you compete in GS or kettlebell competition.
Gervoy sport uses standard sized kettlebells based on one design. Therefore if you are using, 12kg, 24kg, or 32kg, they are all the same size ball regardless of weight. That i

s so the kettlebell fits the body concisely for efficent moment when large volumes of repetitions are required. The handle are designed with a smaller diameter and made for Olympic style lifts only such as clean and jerks and snatches. So if you are among the few, and I mean very few, who have embraced this brutal sport, then all you will need is your required two
Giri based on you competition weigh, age and sex.
May you suffer in peace. Right now is the best time to look around the net to see all the vendors who sell kettlebells before you purchase one. you can buy kettlebells now from just about any equipment vendor that sells fitness equipment including Dicks. Lastly consider if you buy off the net, shipping is as much as one third the cost.
have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.