Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kettlebells or Karbs

July 19th.
"She used to diet on any kind of food she could lay her hands on."

Arthur Baer

WO du jour:

28 mile bike ride: humid so I started early. hard pace and even manged to maintain 28-30MPH last 2 flat miles. (a far cry from a sprint in the tour de france today)

Later in the afternoon: "Pulling Grace" 30 reps 2-28 Kg. clean from floor and push press, and 1 weighted pullup.

I was watching the news the other night and they had some doctor on(their expert on all things medical) explaining the latest findings on which is more effective; eating low fat or low carb diet?

Well, we all know that the low fat diets have been discredited for a long time but this asshole had to add that the low carb diet works but so does low fat. He must be on the low fat diet, as he was thick and heavy looking for a spoke person for any diet. I love the media! Jerks.

Have a nice day suffering and remember this mission is sacred

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