Friday, July 25, 2008

don't forget the squats

July 24th.

" Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army."

Edward Everett

WO du Jour

bands warmup and joint mobility work.

30 min of the following without stopping:
5 pullups
10 2-16kg snatches
10 dive bomber pushups
15 SHOT situps
10 one leg squats ( I always try to avoid one leg squat work)
10 ring rowing
20 mile bike ride in the morning.

I don't really like the one leg squats as they do a number on my knees if I have been doing a lot of volume training. So I make it a plan to do a few sets every so often for concentration, balance and proper leg position.
Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

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