Thursday, May 08, 2008

That life you know

May 8th.

" You bluff me! I dislike people who bluff me. It makes me question my prescription of reality.

Diane Schneider.

WO du jour: warm up; bands, joint mobility, rope circles, push up on rings, 50 evil wheels.

Crossfit "Diane"

Barbell Deadlift: 240#
Handstand push ups:
for time: 21reps,15reps, 9reps.

time 7:04 best time ever. however, I blew threw the deadlifts using overhand grip. However, all the time was for the handstand push ups, they are not easy after 10 reps as I think the blood all goes into the arms slowing down the pace. You really have to suck it up to do large numbers of handstand push ups regardless of the number you can do for prone push ups.

Second session: Good shoulder warmup with bands ,
SSST with 20kg kettlebell. 168 reps

A female trainer I know, was a little disappointed about most of her clients who did not train or maintain their fitness when she when on vacation. I sensed that she was not happy that her clients were not imprinted with the level of physical enthusiasm that she has acquired. However this is the norm. Most people want a simple solution to their fitness, so they hire personal trainers to push or encourage them to exercise for short term results. What they really need to do is to utilize the personal trainers talents, so they can lean how to train and be fit, on their own! You would hope.

Myself, I have no illusions that the people I train will never have my level of fitness acumen, nor will continue when I am not around. That is real life. Only a very few special motivated individuals will continue when I am not training them. I have just leaned to deal with the fact and not take it personal that most of your clients will not persist in their mission they have told you they wanted, and don't.

"Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred"

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