Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back up you

May 15th.

"rudeness is a weak mans imitation of strength"
Eric Hoffer

WO du jour:

warm up: joint mobility, one leg squats 5 sets of 5,
Kettlebell squatting swings to an overhead squat. 3 sets of 20.
Deadlifts: 20 singles form 155 to 375 lbs.

19 mile bike ride on rail trail: 17.5 MPH pace. Raining and cold

I have a bad back and if you don't believe me I can show you my x-rays which has 4 fused disks, and the remaining bulged disks. My doctor did not advise no lifting or have corrective operations, as he knows I will not comply anyway. Do I have pain? you bet! Does this restrict me from participating in any physical activity I want to pursue no matter how stressful or risky? Hell no!
What I have to do every day is perform some physical maintenance such as joint mobility work, foam roller, PCF and and of coarse, kettlebells. I have to warm up well, something I neglected do during my years of heavy power lifting, or martial arts training. Today I spend more time making sure that my lifting form is is effective for that exercise, something I should had done years ago, and I would not have the issues I have today.
Have a nice day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.

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