Monday, May 05, 2008

Kaizen and kettlebells

May 5th. Monday

"They say that time changes things, but you have to actually have to change things yourself".

Andy Warhol

WO du jour:

18 mile bike ride in morning. Cool and had a flat tire to fix.

During the 1980's large corporations in the US realized that foreign companies, namely Japan, were out selling us by having a better competitive product. So at least the larger companies sent some of their employees to Japan to see what we could do to improve our systems over here and start to get our market share back.
At the time Japan used a system called Kaizen, which is a simple philosophy of looking at ways of doing things by focusing on the process, and not the end results. Essentially the opposite to the way we view production here. Kaizen can be simple as making small improvements or changes or as involved as analyzing a process using advanced math. Simply put make small changes, look what happen when the changes are made in regards to process, and continue this analyzing the process to it completion. But you never stop there, you continue to look and make small changes as there is never a perfect product.
When you have the human factor in a process, there are so many variables that you can spend a life time trying to make a perfect product, but although you never really get there, at least you have the best you can provide. So when training, you look at the process of how you get the condition you want. You mantain a continous log of your training. Most of the time its just making small changes and not a whole new program or system. All systems will work, they just need to be integrated into the process.

May4th. sunday

"Happness is the joy of acheivement, and the thrill of creative effort"


WO du jour:

Warmup: foam roller, joint mobility, jump rope.

4x5 min on heavy bag.
100 punching situps
100 ring pushups
100 10 kg KB gunslingers

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