Thursday, March 12, 2009

What no plazma TV ?

March 14th.

This is a 1920's YMCA gym. Note the Indian clubs, battling ropes, rings, pull up bars. Just like my "Small Box" has.

WO du jour:
Indian club warmup:
5 rounds of the following sets
25 reps of 2-32kg kettlbells deadlifts (125 deadlifts)
40 pushups (200 pushups
25 reps of 2-16kg kettlbell side swings.(125 swings)
50 abmat situps (250 situps)
18;18 min.

there was a fellow blogger who pass on a TV news clip showing this bozo espousing how he was "the foremost expert kettlbell master. He was showing us poor technique using his "manly kettlebell of 20 lbs and his girl friend with a 5 lb kettlebell for her exercise.(I have never seen a 5 lb kettlebell) He claimed that with his "special workout in 6 week you will be transformed into a movie star. He even said he trains a lot of A list hollwood types. I said this a long time ago, when kettlbells got the public attention, all the so called experts will come out to the woodwork, and the stupid public will fall for their line of shit. Excuse me while I puke.

March 13th.

" Many people lose their tempers merely from seeing you keep yours. "
-Frank Moore Colby

WO du jour:
10 sets each arm 1 min LCCJ with 20kg kettlebell.
10 sets of five reps of Kipping pullups
10 sets of five reps dips

Anger has been in the news as of late with angry people taking out their frustrations out on their fellow citizens. The incidents of mass murder seems to be increasing all over the world like madness is some illness that we can contract just by walking around. Most people can redirect their tempers by pursuing positive outlets, like religion, friends, hobbies and other diversions that keeps anger on the back burner instead of the forefront. There is nothing like a good crossfit session to suppress any anger you have built up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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