-H. Jackson Brown,
-Carl Sagan,
WO du jour: 1 mile running. Snowing hard and just did some intervals. Sucks but you can't get the job done sitting home watching out the window.
Training was a time where resolutions made in the enthusiasm of an inspired moment were put to personal test.
Herb Elliott
WO du jour:
15 mile bike ride in the morning.
1.5min work and 1. min rest LCCJ: 2set of 12kg,14kg,20kg, 24kg,
10 reps 28 kg kettlebell CJ and 5 reps 32kg
20 pull ups
I don't make new years resolutions like a lot of people do and keep few of them. All I do is keep a living to-do list and work off that all year. I works better than getting all hyped up Jan and Feb and loose focus by March.
Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.
WO du jour: 25 mile bike ride around the area. The weather was unseasonalble warm, at 45deg. but the roads were wet and filled with sand and salt. I like like a snow cone of dirt when I got back. Good ride just the same, and the longest in a month or so.
I am always looking for material on strength training and equipment prior to the steroid era with started about 1950 or so. Steroids were used after the war to rehab military and civilians after the war. People who trained with weights did not start using steroids some time later when they realized it was anabolic and helped with competing in lifting and bodybuilding. If you go into most health clubs today little has really changed except they clutter the space up with machines that require you to train longer to get a compete body workout, and only make you functional to operate that machines. Like the gyms of the past you have barbells, dumbbells, now, kettlebells stuffed in one corner for the "muscle heads" but you are not allowed to drop them, no grunting, and can't use chalk. It almost as though it is a conspiracy to make it look like you are getting a effective workout, but the gym owners know it been traditional to have the "Iron weights" even though they believe its just part of the window dressing.
Big snow storm last night.
I came into the game when I broke into the major leagues, the minimum salary was seven thousand dollars, and I'd have to go home in the wintertime and get a job.
Nolan Ryan
WO du jour: 500 meters rowing; can't go outside on the roads to run or bike.
30 mins. of the following: 5 pullups,10 pushups,15 abmats, 20 squats 50 jump ropes.
2-16kg kettlebell side swings sets of 30 reps
Our New York state Governor is at it again to make us poor and drive what remaining business we have out of state. Now there is a new tax on health clubs or gym memberships. Here we are on one hand encouraging our citizens to get off our butts and loose some weight so we don't become part of the growing legions of the obese. But our Governor is making it more costly to maintain your fitness and enjoy a positive activity. Thank god I have my "small box" gym and encourage everyone to "get off the grid" so it don't have these inconveniences that our system throws at us.
our New York state Governor has imposed a "obesity tax" on soda. I hope he did this to take more out of our pockets to waste and not think this will keep people from getting fat. I did not make that shit up.
WO du jour:
I have been lifting kettlebells for about 5 years now and still don't know what is the best method to train with. To me all the organizations if you follow one, will do you no wrong. however each one does not have all the answers. many of the major instructors have attended at least two or more certifications, leading me to believe, that no one kettlebell organization has all the answers. Beyond that there is some bad mouthing by the major kettlebell master instructors only confuses new people who want to learn kettlebell fitness. Even in Russia kettlebell lifting is lesser know than here in the US, but if you listen to the kettlebell instructors, you would think that they are as popular a vodka.
The way I look at it kettlebells are a good strength endurance tool as with club bells, battling ropes, chains, sleds, stretch bands, dumbbells, barbells, etc. I use all of those, and many other techniques such as body weight, running, rowing, boxing, biking to be a complete fitness program. Bottom line, Kettlebells may be a favorite fitness tool, but it is far from having exclusive control of my program.
Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.
Afternoon session:
double side haft snatch: 12kgx10,14kgx10 and work set of 2-16kgx10x12.
This is harder than a single snatch but seems to train the lower posterier of the body a lot more than the single. I did rest after each set on 15-30 sec. to chalk up so I completed the routine in less than 12 min. anyway a great exercise for a change. Next time I will use the 20kg.
Volume is what I spend most of my time with on all exercises. Now that does not mean I spend a long time doing a exercise, it my be at times performing as few as 1 or 2 reps for 20 sets. That volume. At times I will do the same exercise 100-500 reps. That may sound extreme, but we don't know for sure what are true limitations are. So until I find a true expert source that can tell me what is a effective training volume, I will continue to push until my body says back off.
Never hurry. Take plenty of exercise. Always be cheerful. Take all the sleep you need. You may expect to be well.
-James Freeman Clarke
WO du jour:
30 min. on trubo 100 pushups and 100 situps
200 kettlebell snatchs with 16kg. 20/20 reps each arm.
Now the average persons body composition or weight gain battles have solidified that diet plan industry, as that business knows completely that the average weight loss campaign is temporary, and you will be back in the near future to be weighed in and start all over again.
You can break that weight gain-loss cycle, by analyzing you lifestyle and how you can adjust you diet to maintain a healthy body weight and a simple exercise program you love to do, that can be timed managed to fit that lifestyle, for the rest of you life.
Morning : "Annie" 50,40,30,20,10 reps double unders and situps
Did the situps with the Kettlebells in back of heels in Janda style which is a lot harder, and the jump rope with 3 times the number as I have a foot issue and can't jump too high.
two miles walk/run sprinting ever 100 yards. Leg felt good I think from the jump rope warmup. I think I will try this to see if that helps prior to a run.
Second session:
Standing Kettlebell press: 16kgx10,20kgx3,24kgx3, 28kgx3x3,32kgx3x5
seated kettlebell press: 2-16kgx10x12sets. 120 reps
Dumbell tri extension: 45x10x3.
Did you know that Lance Armstrong uses kettlebells? So do I but no one is going to put my picture on their web sites to promote kettlebell unless I do it myself. Now don't get me wrong, Lance is one of the most gifted athletics ever jumped on a bicycle and has one of the highest recorded VO2 max. Lance using kettlebells shows me that he is ready to bring it on for another Tour de France win. But the people that are promoting kettlebells and dropping his name probably don't give a rats ass about lance's bicycling exploits, and just how gifted this guy is.
"A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people."
-Will Rogers
Kettlebell snatches:
20/20/ 16kg
10/10 20kg x10 sets
10/10 20 kg outside the legs double snatches. (these are great for the hip flexion)
worked on squatting and snatch volume today. I was really critical about my squat depth today after observing some gentlemen performing haft ass high squats, with a weight he was not able to handle, in a gym yesterday. Then with the same weight he added chains(one light link) with the weight he was unable to squat with, but managed a couple of haft squats reps with the aid of a young lady. There was no sense in interjecting as he had a " I am an expert in this gym attitude".Squatting with a good full depth is one of the best exercises you can do, but chains are for developing drive out of the bottom, which he did not venture into, and you use a weight of 50-60% of your one rep max so you apply some speed.
Have a great day suffering and remember the mission is sacred.