Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday delight


" The first step in getting the things you want out of life is this: DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT."

Ben Stein


50 box jumps on 20" box

50 jumping pullups

50 Kettlebell swings with 16Kg.

50walking lunges


50 push press 25 with 2-10Kg kettlebells and 25 with OL bar.

50back extensions

50 wall balls: 25 with 10Kg. Kettlebell, 25 with leather ball

50 burpies

50double unders.

(500 reps and they think the 300 workout is hard.)

34:20 sec time.

I don't know who thought this session up, but they have a sick sense of humor.....or just demented. I had to really did down to get this done. The KTE and the burpies are hardest for at least me anyway.

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