Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday madness

Nov. 23.
"My problem lies with reconciling my gross habits with my net income."
Errol Flynn.
Black Friday is the unofficial start of the Christmas shopping season. Grid lock at shopping centers and don't even go into a store unless you are a seasoned cage fighter. The hospitals emergency rooms are full of assault victims from just trying to get the kids their favorite toy this year, made of toxic materials from China. Marvelous, simply marvelous.

It was cold as a whore's heart today when I decided to do my intervals on the track. Wind chill factor was near zero and yesterday was in the 60's. Well suck it up and get it done.

2 miles of sprinting the straights and jogging the curves, and at each quarter mile, 20 high pulls with a 20Kg kettlebell.( I never leave home without one. ) I did not keep time as my speed was not up to training level do to the cold. The extra Kettlebell did noting to warm me up.


DB one arm snatches 50#

reverse ring pull ups prone 15 reps.

sit ups 20 reps.

rounds for 20 min.

Dumbell Snatches were a good change in place of kettlebells.

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