Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Jan 12th. monday:

I don't think so.

WO du jour: Bands warmup, foam roller, 50 situps
10 sets of 10 reps of the following:
kettlebell step up box squats 2-16kg
Kettlebell see saw press 2-16kg.
Kettlebell suitcase deadlift 40kg
28 mins. ( this session is for my biking prep for the season.)

Jan 10th

I like this track bike as it made for everyday use.

Americans are a can-do people, an enthusiastic people, a problem-solving people. And when given a direction and given a plan, they'll sign on.
Henry Cisneros

WO du jour:

bands and pulley warmup especially shoulders.

10 sets of 10 or 9-11 reps per min. kettlebell LCCJ

2-16 kg kettlebells

4 sets or 10 reps with single kettlebell.

20kg kettlebells

24kg kettlebells

28kg kettlebells.

total for the session 220 reps.

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