Monday, January 19, 2009

Back in action.

Jan. 19th.

We have a new leader in the white house, wish him good luck.

"A President cannot always be popular.

Harry S. Truman

WO du jour;

Morning session: jump rope warm up, 10 sets of step up squats with dumbells and super setted with Dumbell power cleans.

afternoon session: Kettlebell LCCJ with 24 and 28 kg; 10 sets of 5

dumbell rowing 75# 10 sets of 10

Bally’s falls into bankruptcy again for the second time in 3 years.

I got some advice for Bally's total fitness that may keep you in business:

  1. get rid of all the flaky fitness non productive, trendy, class programs. that will save some you your trainer overhead. Get rid of the Pole dancing, step classes, dance classes and lifting plastic weights.

  2. get rid of and don't buy the latest treadmill or elliptical machines that comes out. Just use a couple for speed training and rehab. Keep a few spin bikes for those who like to bicycle and add some turbo setup for people to bring their bikes in for training. You will save tons of overhead and expense.

  3. get rid of the wide screen TVs. If you want to watch TV go to fuck home and let people concentrate on training.

  4. Set up lifting platforms for weight training with a rack for squatting and pressing off on each platform. Make sure you have plenty of bumper plates and one set of powerlifting plates and bar.

  5. get rid of the juice bar. people can make up their own, and sanitation is an issue. Show member what to drink and eat to supplement their training.

  6. Make sure you have some space set aside for body weight training with sit up benches and pull up and dip bars.

  7. make each member go through a month of training on basic weight lifting body weight exercise. Each member has be know how to exercise and stay with an effecive program.

  8. Have training on diet each month by a specialist and give each member a diet based on their needs.

  9. get rid of most of the machines used in body building. Most are useless and cause injures. replace the machines which case money to purchase and maintain.

  10. Get rid of the tanning setups. You are not in the tanning business you are in the fitness business.

  11. Only take members who after an interview, will stay with a program. If they don't know what their fitness goals are most lightly they will not stay and make you look bad. you want paying members, but you don't want the ones that don't get results of some kind.

  12. show members how to train in short durations for more effective results.

  13. Your business model has to change to one of less glitz, glamor to one that is more cost effectiveness and efficiency.

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