Thursday, January 08, 2009

Brother its not heavy, it just looks like it.

Jan. 8th.

It's not the load that breaks you down - it's the way you carry it.
Lou Holtz

WO du jour:

Warm up with bands and pulleys.
100 back squats without dropping weight 100 lbs.

5 pullup and 10 pushups as a set each min. for 10 min. (50 pull ups 100 push ups)
150 kettlebell snatches in 7 minutes.

The barbell squats at high reps makes a good warm up. Tom Platz, the body builder, had some of the most massive quads from heavy, high rep squats. He would take weights of 3-400 lbs and squat for time or 50 or hundreds reps. It was extreme even by today's standards of body building.

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