April 28Th.
" No price is to high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
WO du jour:
for time with no rest between sets.
100 meters row
25 pullups
200 meter rowing
50 pushups
300 meters rowing
75 lunges
400 meters rowing.
100 air squats
300 meters rowing
75 lunges
200 meter rowing
50 pushups
100 meters rowing
25 pullups
time: 24:54 ( the lunges really put the pain where it belongs)
Second session:
heavy bag
tai chi
300 situps
Since the weather has been great in the last week or so, I been doing most of my training outside and my skin is beginning to go back to that South American look. To add to my "garage gym" this year, I will be installing some pullup bars and climbing ropes and an area for juggling kettlebells . Once the bars are installed this week, should have every thing I need to train, inside or out. Most of my resistance and sometimes endurance training requires only a small area anyway, as most exercise is done with Kettlebells, Dumbells, OL weights, ropes, chains, boxes, jump ropes, boxing bags etc. There is nothing wrong with doing your training in a gym or health club, but its anyway good to get outside for fresh air and natural sun light.
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