Monday, February 23, 2009

Keep it simple and intense.

Feb 23rd

Rich is getting in some kettlebell press ladders with 100lbs. He watching a timer and not a plasma TV.

Our age is before all things a practical one. It demands of us all clear and tangible results of our work.

WO du jour: GS and Crossfit,
500 meters rowing, setting #8
21reps 2-20kg kettlebells Push jerk
500 meters row
18 reps 2-20kg kettlebells Push jerk
500 meter row
15 reps 2-24kg kettlebells Push jerk
500 meters rowing
12 reps 2-24kg kettlebells Push jerk
19min time.
Normally this WOD is done with the barbell, and I do barbell work 50% of the time, but my goal is to increase my work capacity in a GS mode and substituting kettlebells works well for me. It just one of those simple workouts that people think is not enough, but just try in carry on a conversation as you workout.
Have a great day suffering and remember this mission is sacred.

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