Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Reciprocal Inhibition; kettlebells are the answer.

Feb 18th

I would not want to be in the gym to witness this and not make some smart ass remark, even though it a significant feat of strength. They now have a belt just for hanging weights around your waist to avoid such comments.

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. Archimedes

WO du jour: Morning

Warmup with bands and light kettlebells

10 reps kettlebell thrusters 16kg.

10 reps pullups

20 situps

20 side kettlebell swings 24kg


Battling ropes warmup and indian clubs

3 sets of 16kg kettlebell snatch @2.5 min each arm continously.

15 total mins.

5 min seated press.
"Reciprocal inhibition" sounds like method for safe sex, but it is really one of those fancy concepts in exercise science that describes how muscles oppose each other to allow movement. one side of the joint relaxes so the opposite member can contract. When I was one time impressed by NSCA journals, they would explain some of these concepts in terms that would impress the uneducated when it comes to fitness and athletes. But today I know we don't have to make exercise so complicated and contradictory by the information that is published each year. Remember, we are getting fatter and less athletic each year as a nation.

Kettlebells when performed in GS lifting style has a natural reciprocal inhibition or you will not be able to use the weights in such duration with efficiency.

WO du jour:

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