Thursday, November 06, 2014

what to hell have you been doing this year?

Yes, I have been guilty of unsustained blogging during this spring and summer. The truth is in simple terms; I have been real f*#king busy, if you have to know! During the winter months, which was a real bitch in New York state, I got my body weight down to below 170lbs using a sensible diet, lots of load carrying rucking, thousands of Kettelbell swings and long Crossfit style WODS. I can now see some abs which was not my goal, but more over, to be more functional in my skin and bones. It pays to be lean!

The short version of my physical makeover, is most of the spring and summer allowed me to go back to some serious road biking at my reduced body weight. It pays to be lean.  As I quickly learned, riding with the local bike club was a pleasure this year.  What was I thinking anyway, maintaining such a high body weight in past years, which was well over 200lbs, just to lift heavy weights?

 It was a pleasure to ride my bikes on the roads again without the extra 50-60lbs of weight on my ass. So I added the daily bike rides to my fitness training and changed my Crossfit sessions to more strength, since I was getting plenty of endurance activity on the bike. I did find that I lost some upper body strength, like pressing and picking up heavy shit, but I expected that. You see, body mass provides you with more leverage and support, even if it useless fat.

Instead of blogging, my idle time for recovery and mental exercise was devoted to my “Kindle”. The books on “Kindle” makes it easy to down load and go back to review without a big pile of books taking up space. My wife calls books, dust collectors. In the future I will review some of material I got out of the 14 fitness titles I read up to now.

Today’s training on a rather nice Monday for upstate NY, so the focus was on sucking up the sun and getting in two training sessions.

Morning session:

General warm-up of Indian clubs, 100 sit-ups, 100 jumping jacks, some jump rope, and joint mobility work. 100 KB swings with 2-16kg bells.

Then hit the C2 rower for a hard interval session of: min sets. After the row, I finished with 10 min. on heavy bag kicking and punching one min work, 30 sec. rest. That was for the morning ate lunch with is really my breakfast as I still do a modified intermitting fasting which worked so well keeping me lean and fat free.

The afternoon session  was a crossfit style WOD performed outside next to my “box” gym. I used my tactical boots for foot wear, since this I what used successfully during last winter’s training sessions.

The WOD is an AMRAP for 30 min.time, using 2-20kg Kettlebells for load carry at the chest, run to my sled pull devise, pull the sled along the driveway, run back to the gym, do 10 burpees and 5 pull-ups.  Did 7 rounds.  Great session even getting back to running in boots instead of running shoes. The hot tub was finish of a fruitful day!  


“The mission is sacred.”  

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